



講師:島岡 要 博士 (ハーバード大学医学部 主任研究員)

演題:Conformational Regulation of Integrins—from Structures to Drug Delivery & Discovery—

場所:総合研究棟 7階 セミナー室(701号室)



1.Park, EJ et al. Aberrant activation of integrin alpha4beta7 suppresses lymphocyte migration to the gut. J Clin Invest 2007. 117: 2526-2538.

2.Peer, D et al. Selective manipulation of gene expression in activated leukocytes by targeting the high-affinity conformation of integrin LFA-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U. S. A. 2007 104: 4095-100.

3.Shimaoka, M et al. Small molecule integrin antagonists that bind to the beta2 subunit I-like domain and activate signals in one direction and block them in the other. Immunity 2003 19:391-402.

4.Shimaoka, M et al. Structures of the alphaL I domain and its complex with ICAM-1 reveal a shape-shifting pathway for integrin regulation. Cell. 2003. 112: 99-111.

5.Shimaoka, M., Springer, T.A. Therapeutic antagonists and the conformational regulation of integrin structure and function. Nature Rev Drug Discover 2003. 2: 703-716.

研究室HP (http://www.cbrinstitute.org/labs/shimaoka/)

Laboratory of Integrin Biology and Experimental Therapeutics

CBR Institute for Biomedical Research and Harvard Medical School, Boston MA


広島大学医歯薬学総合研究科 教授 高橋 一郎

Tel: 082-257-5650

