Department of British, American, and European Languages and Literatures, and Linguistics
(French Language and Literature)
E-mail: akikomiy[at]hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Research Fields
19th Century French Literature
Research Keywords
- Dreyfus Affair
- Rhetorique
- Naturalism
- Popular Novels
- Emile Zola
Research Outline
I have a deep interest in the works of Émile Zola. Originally, I focused on the thoughts and the society represented in Zola's novels. Recently, I have been studying the popular novels in 19th century.
Research Achievements
- Medium & Stylistics: Discussion of Zola’s Un mariage d’amour (1867) and Thérèse Raquin 2nd ed. (1868), Bulletin of the Research Center for the Technique of Representation, 10, pp.21-52, 2015.
- Art du Roman: La Conquête de Plassans: version feuilleton et la première édition, The Hiroshima University Studies, Graduate School of Letters, 74, pp.1-17, 2014.
- Accueil de Travail de Zola au Japon: Traduction, publication et recherche du style dans les années 1900-1920, Carolyn Snipes-Hoyt, Marie-Sophie Armstrong and Riikka Rossi (eds.), Re-Reading Zola and Worldwide Naturalism, Cambridge Scholars Pub., pp.298-311, 2013.