NAKAYAMA, Tomihiro

NAKAYAMA, Tomihiro


Department of History
(Japanese History)

E-mail: tomihiro[at]

Research Fields

Social, Economic and Historical Research on Burakumin Society in Early Modern Japan

Research Keywords

  • Reclamation
  • Land System
  • Private Society
  • Foot-operated Bellow
  • Economic System

Research Outline

I am studying the Seto Inland Sea region as the target field for my research regarding the society and economics of the Edo period. In particular, I examine topics such as production activities and the commonwealth of rural society that existed during the period to understand this era.

Research Achievements

  • Early Modern Period of Economic Development and Local Communities, Seibundo, 2005.
  • Re-examination of the Establishment of Great Ironsmiths in Early Modern Izumo: The Tanabe Family in Yoshida Village of Iishi District as a Case Study, Chugoku Shikoku Rekishigaku Chirigaku Kyokai Nenpo, 12, pp.13-26, 2016.
  • The Tatara Steel Manufacture and Hanmai-Rice for the Workers in the Early Modern Era: Focusing on the Tanabes’ Yomai-Rice in Izumo Country, The Hiroshima University Studies, Graduate School of Letters, 72, pp.35-53, 2012.
  • Land Price Determination and Yield under the Land Tax Revision: Okumonden Village, Eso District in Hiroshima Prefecture, Chihoshi Kenkyu, 336, pp.1-14, 2008.
  • Introduction to Early Modern Itsukushima Research: its Economic Base and Tourism Industry, Studies of the Itsukushima Island, 4, pp.9-23, 2008.
  • Landlord-Tenant Relationship in the Chugoku Mountains during the Meiji Period, Chugoku Region during the early Modern/ Modern Period: Tatara-produced Iron, Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and Local Community, Seibundo, 2008.
