NEMOTO, Hiroshi


Department of Applied Philosophy and Classics
(Indian Philosophy)

E-mail: nemoto[at]

Research Fields

Buddhist Thought and Culture in India and Tibet

Research Keywords

  • Buddhist Thought
  • Tibet
  • Madhyamaka
  • Theory of Time
  • Tsong kha pa

Research Outline

I carry out research on Indian and Tibetan Buddhist thought, with a particular focus on elucidating Je Tsong kha pa’s Madhyamaka and bodhisattva beliefs and Buddha-kaaya doctrine. My interests also extend to Tibetan classics and poetics. I aim to ascertain from multiple angles the transmission of Buddhist culture from India to Tibet.

Research Achievements

  • A Study of the dGe lugs pa's View of Time, Heirakuji Shoten, 2011.
  • The Myth of Maitreya in Tibet, Journal of Tibetology, 10, pp.99-110, 2015.
  • Who is a Proper Opponent? The Tibetan Buddhist Concept of phyi rgol yang dag, Journal of Indian Philosophy, 41(2), pp.151-165, 2013.
  • The Proof of Impermanence in the dGe lugs pa’s pramāṇa Theory, Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis (Proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakīrti Conference, Vienna, August 23–27, 2005), pp.363-374, 2011.
  • Tsong kha pa on the Three Times: New Light on the Buddhist Theory of Time, Logic and Belief in Indian Philosophy, pp.605-613, 2010.
