OHNO, Hideshi

OHNO, Hideshi


Department of British, American, and European Languages and Literatures, and Linguistics
(English Language)

E-mail: hideshi-ohno[at]hiroshima-u.ac.jp

Research Fields

Language of Late 14th-century English Literature and the History of the English Language

Research Keywords

  • History of English Language and Chaucer’s Langauge

Research Outline

I am studying the language used by the 14th-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Based on historical transformations of the English language, my goal is to shed light on the meaning expressed in the vocabulary and grammar used in his works.

Research Achievements

  • Variation between Personal and Impersonal Constructions in Geoffrey Chaucer: A Stylistic Approach, University Education Press, 2015.
  • "I preye/biseche (yow/thee)" in the Late Fourteenth Century: With Special Reference to Chaucer, Ken Nakagawa, Akiyuki Jimura and Osamu Imahayashi (eds.), Language and Style in English Literature, Keisuisha, pp.45-57, 2016.
  • Variation in the Use of “Think” in “The Summoner’s Tale,” Line 2204., Yoshiyuki Nakao and Yoko Iyeiri (eds.), Chaucer’s Language: Cognitive Perspectives, Osaka Books, pp.79-98, 2013.
  • The Convergence of Personal and Impersonal Constructions in Manuscripts of Chaucer’s Works, The Rising Generation, 153(9), pp.564-567, 2007.
  • Personal and Impersonal Uses of “Meten” and “Dremen” in Chaucer, Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature, 43, pp.1-15, 1998.
