Education & Research (Labs)
The Chemical Engineering Program provides education and conducts research concerning various aspects of building a more sustainable society. In particular, while facing issues concerning environmental, energy and material resources, we challenge the development of innovative technologies for energy production and its effective use, for system design in the synthesis of chemical substances, and for the creation of new functional materials. The academic staff and main research topics in each laboratory are discussed below.
Thermal-Fluid-Materials Engineering Lab
Our laboratory focuses on research activities -both experimental and numerical simulation- in the preparation of advanced materials, e.g., functionalized particles and films synthesized via gas and liquid phases; evaluation of fluids, heat transfer, gas chemical reactions and mass transport phenomena in reactors; investigation of nucleation and growth phenomena; and development of cleaning technologies of gas and particle contaminants in the semiconductor industry.

High-Pressure Fluid Property Lab
Our laboratory investigates the measurement and modeling of equilibrium and transport properties of supercritical fluids+polymers and organic/inorganic compound systems. We also focus on development of the environment-conscious processes and innovative material processing technologies, including phase transition and reaction utilizing particular characteristics of supercritical fluids.

Polymer Technology Lab
Stimuli-sensitive polymers/gels have attracted much attention to powerful materials such as novel separation media, energy conversion media, and new chemical reaction fields in chemical engineering. The polymer technology laboratory develops stimuli-sensitive polymers with high performance and new functions, and investigates their engineering applications.

Separation Technology Lab
Separation and purification are key technologies for chemical production as well as for solving various energy and environmental problems. Nano/subnano-porous membranes with a controlled pore size and surface chemistry make it possible to conduct novel and highly efficient separation processes. We focus on the fabrication of thin membranes from nano-space materials, which includes inorganic and inorganic-organic hybrid materials, on transport phenomena and on applications to separations and chemical reactions.

Fine Particle Technology Lab
The Fine Particle Technology laboratory investigates powder handling processes, and their operation and application. In particular, we focus on control of the cut point of the classifier and separator for nanoparticles based on numerical simulation, and development of novel synthesis methods for high-functional particles using microwave irradiation. Further, we also conduct application research into the development of recycling methods of various ashes into functional particles.

Interfacial System Process Engineering Lab
Aiming at improving technologies for materials and device production, our laboratory works on the modeling and evaluation of preparation and contamination processes of micro-controlled material surfaces by gas-borne matter. We also work on developing risk assessment techniques for nanomaterials. Meanwhile, we are studying evaluations of electrochemical/mechanical properties and material degradation of various component materials, and on plant maintenance introduced by risk management, life prediction, and environmental & economical benefits.

Sustainable Materials Process Engineering Lab
Green Process Engineering Lab
Our laboratory conducts education and researches to investigate human impacts on the environment and their reduction. We are also actively explore innovations in environmental management, restoration, and remediation technologies such as effective water purification, treatment and reuse of waste and wastewater, restoration of coastal environments and ecosystems, and remediation of contaminated soils.