The Graduate School of Biosphere Science played host to Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, the deputy director for administration of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO-BIOTROP) based in Bogor, Indonesia.  He met with Professor Kazuhiko Koike, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, Associate Professor Makoto Hirayama of the Marine Bioresource Chemistry Lab and Associate Professor Lawrence M. Liao of the Aquatic Botany Lab during a courtesy call  on February 7, 2019.

The SEAMEO-BIOTROP is interested in seeking linkages in the area of seaweed biotechnology, specifically seed stock selection, genetic manipulation and tissue culture in support of the burgeoning seaweed industry in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.  The seaweed industry consists of growing the red algae Kappaphycus and Eucheuma for the industrial extract such as carrageenan which has multiple food additive and manufacturing purposes.  The seaweed growing industry is currently facing many challenges brought about by climate change affecting the livelihood of millions of coastal growers throughout Southeast Asia and beyond.  In addition to seaweed biotechnology, other areas of concern discussed during the consultative meeting are the development of seaweed value-added products and seaweed biodiversity assessment.  Trainings and exchange visits of scientific staffs are proposed between the two institutions.

Dr. Imran who is an alumnus of the Food Production Management Lab under the tutelage of Professor Masahiro Yamao expressed his optimism towards a mutually beneficial exchange and collaboration program in the coming years.

Photo shows Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran (2nd from right) flanked by Dr. Kazuhiko Koike (leftmost), Dr. Makoto Hirayama (2nd from left) and Dr. Lawrence M. Liao (rightmost) during his consultative meeting at the Graduate School of Biosphere Science.
