“Seminar on Review of the Revised Curriculum Materials and Recommendations for Future Improvement of 21st Century Mathematics and Science Education in Bangladesh” Held

July 21, 2013, “Seminar on Review of the Revised Curriculum Materials and Recommendations for Future Improvement of 21st Century Mathematics and Science Education in Bangladesh” was conducted in the presence of Secretary of MOPME, Chairman of NCTB and Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh.

This seminar was held as a result of improving the curriculum materials in Mathematics and Science which have been worked out in the first two years of the JICA’s project in the current second phase (the first phase: 2004-2010, the second phase: 2010-present), and to hope for further development of the revised curriculum materials.

As you can see the title of the seminar, development of process skills and higher thinking ability were taken up in this seminar, to find the future state of science and mathematics education for Bangladesh in the 21st century.

Contact for further information:

Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC)

Center for International Cooperation in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (SMATEC)

e-mail: intlscim(at)hiroshima-u.ac.jp (* Please replace (at) with @)
