Phoenix Leader Education Program the 1st Common Course Work report meeting and the 1st short-term internship report meeting were held.

The 1st Common Course Work report meeting and the 1st short-term internship report meeting were held.

The Phoenix Leader Education Program held the 1st Common Course Work and the 1st short-term internship report meeting on April 27, 2015.

The Common Course Work is a group of five required class subjects which includes practice and exercises for the 1st year and the 2nd year students. This report meeting provides an opportunity for each student to make an oral presentation about given topics based on acquired interdisciplinary knowledge through this coursework.

At the 1st Common Course Work report meeting, one of the program students made a 5-minute oral presentation and Q&A followed. The program members made it clear that the student is achieving his learning goals.

The 1st short-term internship report meeting was held. The program student who had his short-term internship at Hiroshima City Archive made a presentation on his internship activity there.

The short-term internship is conducted with the purpose of hands-on learning activity for the students.

This report meeting was conducted all in English. It was televised to both Higashihiroshima and Kasumi campuses.
