The 47th Taoyaaka Program Seminar: Bailout Stigma

TAOYAKA Program is pleased to announce that the 47th TAOYAKA Program Seminar, as a joint seminar with IDEC will be held as follows:

■ Title : Bailout Stigma

■ Time &Date : 16:30am~, Friday, June 26, 2015

■ Venue : Large Conference Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University

■ Lecturer: Prof. Chongwoo Choe, Deparmtent of Economics, Monash University

■ Language: English

■ Object Persons : Students and Teachers

■ Contact:Prof. Yuichiro Yoshida, Hiorshima University

E-mail: yuichiro★ (Note: please replace ★with @.)

TEL: 082-424-6917
