Symposium- Lessens from unhappy events in the history of nuclear power development - to be Held (January 25, 26)

17th Hiroshima International Symposium “Lessens from unhappy events in the history of nuclear power development” will be held.
We would like your assistance to assemble a large group to attend.

【Date and Time】
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9:00~
Thursday, January 26, 2012 9:00~

Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus
Kojin Kaikan Meeting Room (2F)

Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Division of Radiation Bio-Medical Informatics
Department of Environmetrics and Biometrics, Department of Radiation Biophysics

Hiroshima University Institute for Peace Science
Hiroshima University Archives

【Program committee】
Hoshi M.(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University)
Ohtaki M.(Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University)
Kawano N.(Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
Endo S.(Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University)
Imanaka T.(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)



January 25th, Wednesday

9:00 Greeting from Ohtaki M.
Chair: Ohtaki M. & Cullings H.
9:10 "Heat, water and black carbon flux in Hiroshima in Aug. 1945, a result of HiSoF" (Hiroshima Study Group on Re-construction of Local Fallout)
Aoyama M
9:30 "Initial process of the nuclear explosion and mushroom cloud formation by the Hiroshima atomic bomb"
Imanaka T
9:50 "Activation analysis for soils of Hiroshima city and estimation of gamma-ray dose rate due to neutron induced activated soil by Hiroshima atom bomb"
Endo S, Taguchi Y, Imanaka T, Fukutani S, Granovskaya E, Hoshi M, Shizuma K.
10:10 "Preliminary results on in soil core samples collected from the under-floors of houses built within 1-4 years after the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb"
Sakaguchi A, Chiga H, Steier P, Shizuma K, Hoshi M, Takahashi Y, Yamamoto M
Coffee break
Chair: Endo S. & Stepanenko V.
10:50 "What is the origin of 137Cs detected in soil samples under houses built 1-3 years after the Hiroshima atomic bomb ?"
Yamamoto M, Sakaguchi A, Hoshi M, Imanaka T, Miyamoto Y
11:10 "Reported Occurrence of Severe Epilation vs. Location among the Life Span Study Cohort of Atomic Bomb Survivors"
Cullings H
11:30 "Investigation on circular asymmetry of geographical distribution of mortality risk in Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors"
Tonda T, Satoh K, Otani K, Sato Y, Maruyama H, Kawakami H, Tashiro S, Hoshi M, Ohtaki M
11:50 "An assessment of low-dose health effects of A-bomb radiation by neural networks theorem"
Sasaki MS
Chair: Imanaka T. & Zhumadilov Z.
13:30 "External and internal radiation doses among residents living around 37 km north-west from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant"
Kamada N, Saito O, Endo S, Kimura A, Shizuma K
13:50 "Radioacitivity of the aerosol collected in Nagasaki City due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident"
Takatsuji T, Yuan J, Zeng Z
14:10  "Time trend of air dose rate of radiation in eastern Japan from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants accident"
Otani K, Ohtaki M, Tonda T, Satoh K
14:30 "The experience of individual dose reconstruction after uncontrolled large-scale irradiation of population"
Stepanenko V, Ivannikov A, Skvortsov V, Tsyb A, Zhumadilov K, Hoshi M
Coffee break
Chair: Hoshi M. & Shinkarev S.
15:10 "Modern Biomedical and Environmental Research in Kazakhstan: Challenges and Opportunities"
Zhmadilov Z
15:30  "Neuroendocrine Breast Cancer in the Semipalatinsk Region of Kazakhstan"
Orynbayeva A, Baymurinova N, Bolsinbekova S
15:50 "Radiation exposure caused by Nuclear Power Plant Accident and thyroid cancer"
Takeichi N, Hoshi M
16:10 "Accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy for many types of cancers"
Imahori Y, Zhumadilov Z, Itami J, Kayama T, Hoshi M
Coffee break
16:50-17:40 "Our radiation dosimetry study in Hiroshima"
Hoshi M


January 26th, Thursday

Chair: Sakaguchi A. & Whitehead N.
9:00 "Study into epilation among residents and "black rain" fallout in the Manose district of Nagasaki City following dropping of the atomic bomb"
Honda K
9:20 "Nuclide identification of alpha-emitters by autoradiography in specimen of atomic victims at Nagasaki"
Shichijo K, Takatsuji T, Yamamoto M
9:40 "A 24-year follow-up of malignancies in Sweden after the Chernobyl nuclear power accident in 1986"
Tondel M, Wlinder R, Lampa E
10:00 "Radiation doses to Swedish nuclear workers and cancer incidence in a nuclear power plant"
Walinder R
Coffee break
Chair: Yamamoto M. & Ivannikov A.
10:40 "Radiation Doses and Cancer Risks to Marshallese Associated with Exposure to Local and Regional Radioactive Fallout from Bikini and Enewetak Nuclear Weapons Tests"
Simon SL, Bouville A, Melo D, Beck HL, Moroz B, Weinstock RM
11:00 "Epidemiology of Infant Leukemia and Reconstruction of Individualized Cumulative Doses of Ionising Radiation Exposure in Cases Registered within the Early Period after Chernobyl Accident"
Savva NN, Skrjabin AM, Belsky YuA, Mataras AN
11:20 "Prediction of long-term radiation effects lens"
Yeltokova M, Zharlyganova D, Bahtin M, Kazymbet P, Hoshi M
11:40 "Prevalence and risk of chronic diseases of internal organs among workers in uranium processing industry in Kazakhstan"
Kazymbet P, Bekenova F, Zhakenova A, Altaeva N, Bahtin M., Prirmatov Y
Chair: Toyoda S. & Kazymbet P.
13:20 "How it may be possible to diminish the psychosomatic effects of exposure to man-made substances such as fallout"
Whitehead NE, Hoshi M
13:40 "Reconstruction of individual doses to the Semipalatinsk historical cohort subjects: methods and input parameters"
Shinkarev SM, Granovskaya EO, Katayama H, Apsalikov KN, Hoshi M
14:00 "Reconstruction of individual doses to the Semipalatinsk historical cohort subjects: preliminary results"
Granovskaya EO, Shinkarev SM, Katayama H, Apsalikov KN, Hoshi M
14:20 "Data of ESR dosimetry study of population in the vicinity of Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site"
Zhumadilov K, Ivannikov A, Stepanenko V, Zharlyganova D, Zhumadilov Zh, Apsalikov K, Toyoda S, Zhumadilova A, Endo S, Tanaka K, Miyazawa C, Yamamoto M, Okamoto T, Hoshi M
Coffee break
Chair: Kawano N. & Simon S.
15:00  "90Srin teeth of mammals in Semipalatinsk Test Site observed by imaging plates"
Toyoda S, Pivovarov S, Hoshi M
15:20 "Results and perspectives of using the EPR dosimetry at radiation accidents"
Ivannikov A, Skvortsov V, Stepanenko V, Zhmadilov K, Hoshi M
15:40 "The Kainar Syndrome: History and Modern Understanding"
Rozenson RI, Apsalikov KN
16:00 "Scientific foundations of screening organization of the state of health of Kazakhstanean population subjected to radiation, analyses of the results, development prenozological preventive measures and rehabilitation"
Muldagaliev T, Hoshi M, Apsalikov K, Kawano N, Belihina T
16:20  "Overall Image of Nuclear Tests among Inhabitants in the Semipalatinsk Area"
Hirabayashi K, Satoh K, Muldagaliev T, Apsalikov K, Kawano N
Coffee break
Chair: Imanaka T. & Shinkarev S.
17:00 General Discussion
18:00 Ending remark from Hoshi M
18:10 End of symposium

Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Department of Radiation Biophysics
1-2-3 Minami-ku Kasumi, Hiroshima-shi 734-8553
TEL: 082-257-5890
FAX: 082-257-5873
