[Event Report] The IDEC Institute Kick-off Symposium held on November 5, 2022

The IDEC Institute of Hiroshima University held a kick-off symposium, "Be academically productive for peace and sustainability," on November 5, with about 70 participants from Japan and abroad. This kick-off symposium commemorated the IDEC Institute's establishment in April 2022.

Mr. Sadayuki TSUCHIYA, an advisor to the President of Hiroshima University, expressed his expectations in the opening remark that the IDEC Institute will foster and produce human resources capable of creating new values in partnership and collaboration with global communities. In the following special lecture, Prof. Eric Rubin from Harvard University, a distinguished microbiologist, addressed Climate Change and Health, covering direct impacts such as the spread of infectious diseases, as well as indirect effects such as air pollution and food crisis caused by climate disasters. Ms. Savin Ven Johnson, who graduated from the double degree program in the Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) and the LBJ School at the University of Texas at Austin and is currently the Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, gave a speech on the importance of her research experiences at former IDEC in her career development.

In the following session, Prof. Shinji KANEKO, the Director of the IDEC Institute and Executive Vice President (Global Initiative) of Hiroshima University, presented the future prospect vision of the IDEC Institute. The IDEC Institute inherits the former IDEC's educational and research assets over the last 25 years and will promote practical research and human resource development to contribute to the realization of a better life and affluence for people by balancing social and technological development and problem-solving. Finally, Prof. Masaru ICHIHASHI, the Deputy Director of the IDEC Institute, gave closing remarks.

Through the establishment of the IDEC Institute as a world-class education and research center that practices "science leading to sustainable development”, Hiroshima University will promote interdisciplinary research projects and practical activities to realize a free and peaceful international society that fosters diversity.


Global Initiatives Group, Hiroshima University


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