IDEC Journal Vol.7 No.1January,2001
1―17 Yushi UTAKA / Daichi YAMASAKI
Formation process of Malaysian modern architecture under influence of nationalism
19―35 Noriyuki KAWANO
Politics of the slips of the tongue of the ministers
59―66 Naoki ISOBE / Takato TERADA
Effect of Bovine Follicular Fluid Added to the Maturation Medium on Sperm Penetration in Pig Oocytes Matured In Vitro
67―75 Charles KANJA / Hideki IWASAKI / Takuya BABA / Atsumi UEDA
For the Reform of Mathematics Educationin Kenyan Secondary Schools
(Research Notes)
77―89 Haruyuki YAMAMOTO / Tatsushi YAMAMOTO / Ting XU / Koji TOMINAGA
Observation of sand particles in shear zone using digital image analysis
91―105 Megumi MIYAKAWA
The factors of the gaps in primary education between the South and the North in Ghana
107―121 Hyun jung LIM
An Overview on the address terms in Japanese and Korean
IDEC Journal Vol.7 No.2 March,2001
1―10 Masatsugu MATSUO
Whither Peace Studies? Fragmentation to a New Integration?
11―28 Masudul Hoq CHOWDHURY / Keshav Lall MAHARJAN
Pond Fish Production Through People's Participation in Rural Bangladesh
29―46 Megumi ENDOU
A study on the effectiveness of non-formal education to promote aarents' concern on education: Reflection from a pilot project of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in Cambodia
47―63 Yoshi TAKAHASHI
Technical assistance to Japanese manufacturers in Thailand : The case of auto parts industry
81―97 Larry C. H. CHOW / Wing-yin LO
Chinese offshore oil production : Hopes and reality
99―112 Kiyoshi HIRANO
Lexical Items of Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea
113―126 Kaori OKABE
Dutch systems of international development cooperation and aspects of educational cooperation
(Research Notes)
127―145 Yukiko HIRAKAWA
Suggestions by donors' side on the problems and their solutions of primary and secondary educational administration in Indonesia : From a World Bank report and field experiences
(Book Review)
147―151 CHI Youngim
CHOI Kilsung and HINATA Kazumasa (eds.) Comparative Studies of Myths, Religions and Shamanism in Japan and Korea, Fukyo-sha,2000
Summaries and full texts (PDF) are available on the link HUIR. Items deposited into the HUIR from Journal of International Development and Cooperation are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved by Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC).