- Announcement of the 268th Asia Seminar2014/3/18)(199.49 KB)
- Announcement of the 267th Asia Seminar(2014/2/10)(1.69 MB)
- Announcement of the 266th Asia Seminar(2014/1/24)(217.49 KB)
- Announcement of the 263rd Asia Seminar(2014/1/8)(232.95 KB)
- Announcement of the 265th Asia Seminar(2013/12/17)(170.14 KB)
- Announcement of the 264th Asia Seminar(2013/12/13)(169.25 KB)
- Announcement of the 262nd Asia Seminar(2013/12/9)(102.78 KB)
- Announcement of the 261st Asia Seminar(2013/11/21)(63.24 KB)
- Announcement of the 260th Asia Seminar(2013/11/12)(215.74 KB)
- Announcement of the 259th Asia Seminar(2013/11/5)(311.12 KB)
- Announcement of the 258th Asia Seminar(2013/9/30)(541.74 KB)
- Announcement of the 257th Asia Seminar(2013/8/1)(62.87 KB)
- Announcement of the 255th & the 256th Asia seminar(2013/7/8)(1.37 MB)
- Announcement of the 254th Asia Seminar(2013/6/20)(431.7 KB)
- Announcement of the 252nd Asia Seminar(2013/6/5)(35.29 KB)
- Announcement of the 253rd Asia Seminar(2013/5/9)(139.82 KB)
- Announcement of the 251st Asia Seminar(2013/4/30)(48.97 KB)
- Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
- Seminars Back Issue <2013>