SmaSo-X Challenge Project 2024 for Graduate Student Research Grant
SmaSo is pleased to announce the recipients of the AY2024 SmaSo-X Graduate Student Research Grant.
This initiative is aimed at graduate students engaged in interdisciplinary research with a focus on fostering research activities that lead to social implementation and international expansion. For this year, ten students were selected for this grant. Each of whom will be awarded a research grant of 300,000 yen, totaling 3 million yen.
We congratulate those five recipients and look forward to their innovative and progressive research.
List of Grantees
Name | Course | Year | Research Title |
AZWAN NAZAMUDDIN | Master | 1st year | Spatial and Social Dimensions of Social Networks: Linking Social Interactions Data in Urban Transport |
HAFIYYAN HILMY FAWWAZ | 1st year | Optimizing Public Transit Network with Feeder System by Considering the Impact of Joint Activities. | |
AZIS HAKIM SJAFRUDDIN | Doctor | 1st year | Optimizing Public Transit Network with Feeder System by Considering the Impact of Joint Activities. |
GANDHI NAPITUPULU | 1st year | Estimation of blue carbon potential in the Seto Inland Sea for climate change mitigation and blue economy using high-resolution ocean modelling with SCHISM and remote sensing | |
福士宗幸 | 1st year | Elucidation of the ecological functions of the difficult-to-cultivate taxon Pathecibacteria in water treatment plants | |
P J ROHAN GEORGE | 1st year | Estimating economic exposure to glacial lake outburst floods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas under climate change, and related adaptation and mitigation challenges. | |
ANANTA TAIYABA TABASSUM | 1st year | Community-based screening to determine the prevalence and related factors of anemia and the impact of mHealth education program on hemoglobin levels among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh. | |
NGUYEN THI DOAN | 2nd year | Chitosan-based edible coatings with scorpion turmeric (Curcuma sp.) for food preservation: Targeting pathogenic bacteria emerging from flood-affected areas following Typhoon Yagi in Northern mountainous Vietnam | |
AKTER SADIA | 2nd year | Impact of digital health education information on stress anxiety and depression of patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome | |
NING NI | 2nd year | Adapting the mobile cardiotocograph device during labor to improve maternal and infant health in Pwani Region, Tanzania |