Research Students

HU-IAO is the office for applicants live in abroad who wish to enroll as graduate students through the Special Selection for International Students, or as research students.

HU-IAO assists applicants in initiating contact with the prospective supervisor through the HU-IAAS (International Admissions Assistant System).

Application for Enrollment as Research Students

Students wishing to study a specific research subject under the supervision of an assigned supervisor, may be admitted as research students ("kenkyuusei") for 6 months or 1 year. Research students are not entitled to degrees upon completion of his/her research work. Most applicants for admission to a graduate school gain admission to the University as a research student first.

1.Admission Requirements

 Applicants must meet one of the following qualifications:
【Admission toGraduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life】
 (1) Completion of 16 years of formal school education outside Japan.
 (2) Recognition by Hiroshima University as having the equivalent qualifications as a research student.

2.Approval from the Supervisor
 Those wishing to study as a research student are required to obtain an approval from the supervisor in advance.
 Research fields of each supervisor can be researched in the "List of Academic Staff" on the Departments' website.

3.Language Requirements
 As to Japanese ability, a Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 certificate or level 1 score of 240 points or more is preferable. As to English ability, a TOEFL score of 500 points (CBT 173 points) or more is preferableor above and have face-to-face interview by the supervisor to certify his/her communication ability. In case applicants living outside Japan have no opportunity to have  face-to-face interview, the assigned supervisors should confirm their communication level by other appropriate methods.

4.Enrollment Period and Research Period
 Enrollment date:April 1 or October 1
 Research period:6 months or 1 year
 Research students may apply for a renewal of this period if necessary for the purpose of their studies.
 The total period as a research student is limited to 2 years.

5.Period of Acceptance of Application
 ※Applicants living outside Japan
 (April Enrollment)Must arrive no later than the end of November of the previous year
 (October Enrollment)Must arrive no later than the end of May
 ※Appricants living in Japan
 (April Enrollment)Must arrive no later than the end of February
 (October Enrollment)Must arrive no later than the end of August
 If the application deadline occurs on Saturday or Sunday, the deadline shall be Friday of the week.

6.Application Procedures
An applicant must submit the following documents, (1) ~ (7) [(1) ~ (8) for those currently residing in Japan], all of which must be originals (copies are not acceptable except (8)), to each support office in charge of the program. The applicant must have found his/her own academic adviser, who approved the admission in advance.
The documents submitted will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life. It should be noted that the Committee
cannot review the documents if they are not sufficient or complete.
Certificates and Recommendations should have been issued within the six months before the time of application. If there are any changes to the content of the submitted documents, please inform the support office immediately.
Any applicant who submits documents with false information is not allowed to enroll.

 (1) Application form and Personal history (the applicant himself/herself should fill in the prescribed forms in Japanese or English)
 (2) Research plan as a research student (Research purpose, concrete research outline, and research methods, summarized in 800 Japanese characters or 300 English words)
 (3) Graduation certificate, Degree transcript, and Transcript of scholastic record issued by the university or college attended (These documents should be accompanied by  Japanese translation, in which the name, position, and contact information of the translator are specified.
 (4) Recommendation (This must be prepared by the President or Dean of the faculty at the university or the college attended. The document should be accompanied by Japanese translation, in which the name, position, and contact information of the translator are specified)
 (5) Copy of passport (Official document certifying nationality if you don’t have a passport)
 (6) Documents that certify the applicant’s language ability
 (Those wishing to study as research students under supervision in Japanese must submit Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 certificate. Those wishing to study under supervision in English must submit TOEFL test score certificate.
 (7) Documents that certify the applicant’s ability to pay expenses
 (An applicant’s bank account balance statement and certificate of employment are acceptable. A certificate of scholarship is also acceptable. If any person other than the applicant will pay the applicant’s school and living expenses, his/her own bank account balance statement and certificate of employment, etc. should be submitted with the document that certifies the relationship between the applicant and the said person)
 (8) Copy or residence card (This applies only to applicants currently residing in Japan)
     Those who living outside Japan should submit after coming to Japan
 (9) 1 photo for student ID card (4cm tall and 3cm across)
 (10) Application Fee:9,800 yen

 ※Documents written in a language other than Japanese or English must be accompanied by a Japanese traslation.
    The name, status, and contact address of the translator should be specified in the translation.

※Graduates of Chinese Universities
    Those who have graduated or expect to graduate from a university in China (not including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) must also submit the following documents;
 1.教育部学历证书电子注册备案表 or Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate
 2.The copy of 毕业证书 and 学位证书 at the university attended(School seal is required.)
 Expected Graduates:
 1.教育部学籍在线验证报告 or Online Verification Report of Student Record

 The above no.1 documents are obtainable from the China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center's verification system. Each document issuance costs 2 yuan, which must be borne by the applicant. Make sure that the online verification remains valid at least for the next 15 days at the time of submission of the application.
 ※Certificates must be originals or certified copies. School seal is also required. Uncertified copies will not be accepted.

Application Fee
When the application is approved by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life after submission of the documents, the applicant is required to pay the application fee (9,800 yen) as soon as possible. After the payment, the final selection will be made by the Faculty Council of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life.

 7.Admission of Enrollment
 Successful applicants will be notified of entrance procedures separately. The admission fee must be paid within the payment period and the entrance procedures should be completed. After the above procedures are completed, a "Notice of Research Permission" will be sent out.
 The applicants living outside Japan will be notified of sending a "Notice of Acceptance" and the support system which helps to obtain student visa for entry to Japan.
 Applicants should follow the instructions.

8.Admission Fees and Research Fees
 Admission fee:84,600 yen
 Research fee:29,700 yen (Annual fee:356,400 yen)
 The 6 months research fees (178,200 yen) must be paid per semester within the payment period.
 *The above figures are valid as of March 2019. Should the amount be revised at the time of or after enrollment, students will be required to pay the revised fee.
 *For more information about the expenses living at Hiroshima University, please refer to the following website;

 (1)The examination fee, admission and tuition fees, once paid, will not be returned.
 (2) The Graduate School will cancel successful examination results of applicants or admission of students in whose application documents falsification or misrepresentation is found after the examinations or admission.
 (3) The Graduate School will cancel admission of students who apply as students expecting to graduate (or complete the required course) and fail to graduate (or complete the course) by the day of admission.
 (4) Please contact Student Support Office as soon as possible if for some reason or other you cancel your application after it has been submitted.
 (5) If additional research is necessary after the period of enrollment, research students should apply for a renewal 30 days before finishing the research.
 (6) No document submitted in support of an application will be returned.

Inquiries・Submission addresses

Program Inquiries・Submission addresses

Advanced Sciences of Matter Support Office,Hiroshima University

1-3-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8530

e-mail: sentan-gaku-sien

TEL: (082) 424-7008, 7009

Food and AgriLife Science

Biosphere Science Support Office (Graduate Student Affairs),Hiroshima University

1-4-4, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8528

e-mail: sei-daigakuin-sien

TEL: (082) 424-7908

Bioresource Science
Life and Environmental Sciences

Integrated Arts and Sciences Support Office (Graduate Student Affairs),Hiroshima University

1-7-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8521

e-mail: souka-gaku-sien

TEL: (082) 424-6318

Basic Biology

Science Support Office (Graduate Student Affairs),Hiroshima University

1-3-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8526

e-mail: ri-gaku-sien

TEL: (082) 424-7309, 4468

Mathematical and Life Sciences
Biomedical Science

・For further information, please contact each support office in charge of the program(s)mentioned above.

・To send e-mail, type “” after the portion of the respective e-mail address.
