学位申請の流れ Procedure of Application

学位論文提出 Submission

提出締切は4月・7月・10月・12月・1月の月初、1日(15時締切)土日祝の場合は翌日 1月は要確認


The applicant submits the required documents to the Student Support Group by 3 PM, The 1st day, in Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec, Jan, (Excluding Sat, Sun and holidays)

論文受理,審査委員の決定 Accept of Dissertation / Appoint to a member of the Screening Committee


The decision is scheduled to be released in middle - late Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec, and Jan.

研究科発表会 Presentation Meeting


The schedule and application procedure for the presentation will be different depending on the major. For more information, please contact the course in charge or student support group by email.

最終試験 Oral Examination


The date of the Oral Examination is determined by the Screening Committee. For more details, please follow their instructions. 

学位論文審査 Final Approval of Doctoral Degree


The Faculty Meeting will be held to discuss final approval of doctoral degree at the end of May, August, November, January, and February.

学位授与・修了 Grant of Doctoral Degree
