New “Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences” was established in April, 2019.

In April 2019, Hiroshima University has established “Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences”, through the reorganization of the former graduate program, for the purpose of cultivating highly specialized medical personnel who can promote advanced education and research for 4 fields; medical sciences, dental sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and health sciences with deepened basic research, through integration and collaboration in the fields.  

Focusing on the future direction of the society, the Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences aims:

  1. to take major roles as one of the scientific fields that facilitates sustainable developments in specialized disciplines including medical sciences, dental sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and health sciences, collaborating with life and biological sciences, and human and social sciences
  2. to foster the personnel capable of building a new system for health, medical care and nursing to increase the length of healthy life expectancy in all stages of life

General Affairs Group, Kasumi Campus Management Support Office, Hiroshima University

 E-mail kasumi-soumu(AT) (Please replace (AT) with @)

《Contact information for admission requirements》

Student Support Group (Graduate Students), Kasumi Campus Management Support Office, , Hiroshima University

 E-Mail:kasumi-gaku-g(AT) (please replace(AT) with @)
