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  • Hiroshima University School of Dentistry signed Agreement on Academic and Educational Exchange with Hong Bang International University, Vietnam

Hiroshima University School of Dentistry signed Agreement on Academic and Educational Exchange with Hong Bang International University, Vietnam

On February 23, 2017, the signing ceremony was conducted between Prof. Dr. Koichi Kato, Dean of School of Dentistry, Hiroshima University and Dr. Thai Ba Can, President of Hong Bang International University (HBU).

At the Signing Ceremony held at HBU, the Agreement was officially signed by Dean Koichi Kato and President Thai Ba Can in attendance of academic and administrative staff of both institutions. Through discussions and opinion exchanges in this ceremony, they all agreed upon promoting future collaborative activities such as student and staff exchange and joint research / education in Dentistry Field.

HBU is a private university established in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam in 1997. It has grown to be one of the most internationalized universities in Vietnam. HBU is going to establish a dentist course soon.

The Agreement will facilitate the mutual relationship with joint student / staff exchange between the two institutions.

【Photo explanation】 Commemorative photo at the signing ceremony



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