Application for Research Student

This page explains how to apply for Research Student at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (ex. Graduate School of Education) and School of Education.

Students wishing to study a specific subject at either the undergraduate or graduate level may be admitted as research students ("kenkyusei"). Research students are not entitled to degrees upon completion of his/her research work. Most applicants for admission to a graduate school gain admission to the University as a research student first, and then prepare for the entrance examination to the graduate school while researching his/her subject in more detail.

Please discuss the substance of your research with the professor under whom you wish to study before applying.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet one of the following admission requirements and the language requirements for each program in Note 1.

[Admission to Graduate School of Education]

  1.  Completion of 16 years of formal education in a foreign country; OR
  2.  Recognition by the Graduate School of Education as having the equivalent qualifications as a research student.

[Admission to School of Education, attached centers or facilities]

  1.  Completion of 14 years of formal education in a foreign country; OR
  2.  Graduated from a university or a junior college in Japan ("tanki daigaku" = in Japan, this means a school which offers a 2 or 3 years of curriculum-based learning), after having completed 12 years of education in a foreign country; OR
  3.  Recognition from Hiroshima University as having the equivalent qualifications as a research student.
Note 1: Language Requrements (Effective for those who enroll in April 2022 or later)
Program Names      Language Requirements
Psychology Program There is no minimum standard for the language requirement, but an interview with the prospective supervisor is required for the acceptance decision.
Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program In principle, applicants must have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 (100 points or above). However, those who have the necessary communication skills may be accepted after an interview or other application documents proving their language skills are reviewed individually by each field of study or the prospective supervisor.
Educational Studies Program In principle, submit one of the following test results:
Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1/
TOEFL PBT(550 points or above)/TOEFL CBT(213 points or above)/
TOEFL iBT(80 points or above)/TOEIC L&R(740 points or above)/IELTS (overall 6.0 or above)
Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program The prospective supervisor will examine whether or not the applicant has the Japanese language ability to provide research guidance through an interview or application documents. There is no language requirement for the program, but any documents proving language ability should be submitted to the prospective supervisor.
Professional Development Program for Teachers and School Leaders Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 or equivalent


Registration Period

Research students are admitted for one semester or one year. He/she may apply for a renewal of the period if necessary for the purpose of his/her studies.

Application Requirements

  1.   Before submitting an application, please find a professor (your academic advisor) who studies an area of your interest and obtain an approval for admission by the said professor. (Refer to "Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars")
  2.  After receiving informal consent from your academic advisor, please contact the Student Support Office for the fields of Education by email to the address below to receive the account which is necessary for the online application.
  3.  After receiving the account, please register your application through our "Online Application", and please send the following required documents to the Student Support Office for the fields of Education by the application deadline. Because of the postal delay due to the COVID-19, please send a PDF copy of your application documents to the Support Office by e-mail before mailing. Please ship the originals as soon as possible so that they can be delivered within the deadline.

[Required Documents]

   1. Original copy of Application for Enrollment signed by the applicant (Please download the prescribed forms below).

   2. Personal History (Please download the prescribed forms below).

   3. Original copy of Graduation certificate (Diploma) or original certificate of Expected graduation issued by the university attended (School seal is required).

  •  For graduates from Chinese universities, please click here (only in Japanese).

   4. Original copy of Academic transcript issued by the university attended (School seal is required).

   5. Recommendation from the head of the department or your academic advisor at the university attended.

   6. Documents to prove your English or Japanese language proficiency (Only if applicable)

  •  For details, refer to the table "Note 1: Language Requrements".

   7. Application Fee: 9,800 yen (Choose a payment method on our "Online Application".)

   8. Photocopy of Passport (The page with your photo ID)

   9. Photocopy of Residence Card (both sides) which shows applicant's current address. 
      (Only applicable to those residing in Japan)


*  English or Japanese translation should be attached if the documents above are written in other languages.
*  Each certificate must be the original.

Application Deadline

[Applicants residing in Japan who obtain a valid Japanese residence card until the date of enrollment]

   Admission in April:      by the end of February
   Admission in October: by the end of August

[Applicants residing outside Japan]

   Admission in April:      by the end of November of the previous year
   Admission in October: by the end of May


Selection will be made on the basis of the documents submitted.
Successful applicants will be notified of admission procedures separately. For the applicants residing outside Japan, "Notice of Acceptance" will be issued. Then, after you complete the admission procedure, "Notice of Research Permission" will be issued. If you don't complete the procedure by the designated deadline, the permission may be cancelled.


Application Fee:  9,800 yen
Enrollment Fee:   84,600 yen
Research Fee:    29,700 yen/month
                      178,200 yen/6 months


  1.  When you cancel your application after submitted, please inform both your academic advisor and the Student Support Office for the fields of Education.
  2.  All the application fee, enrollment fee and research fee which have been already paid are not refundable.
  3.  The research permission may be cancelled when you don't pay your payments or work hard on your research.
  4.  The research permission will be cancelled when it turns out that the submitted documents include false information after the admission registered or the permission issued.
  5. The admission will be cancelled if those who have been expected to graduate from a university fail to graduate.
  6. Hiroshima University has established the university’s Rules on Security Export Control in accordance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and conducts strict examinations for acceptance of international students, etc. Therefore, please be advised that International applicants may be unable to receive their desired education or conduct their desired research due to the restriction by the above regulations.

Contact Information

Student Support Office for the fields of Education,
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University

1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8524 JAPAN
Tel:  +81-(0)82-424-6720
Fax: +81-(0)82-424-7108
E-mail: kyouiku-in[AT] (Please change [AT] to @)
