The Interdisciplinary Programs enable students to acquire knowledge and skills beyond their areas of specialization while still remaining anchored in their majors.
The special educational focus of these Programs is cutting-edge technological fields that emerge from the integration of different scientific disciplines. Students are required to select one Program from among those listed below (note that choice is limited according to Department).
If you hope to resist the program, you get the approval of your supervisor and submit the application form of Interdisciplinary Programs to Student Support Office(Graduate section) within 1 month after entrance.
Biomass【Program open to students in the Departments of Mechanical Systems Engineering,Mechanical Science and Engineering,Chemical Engineering】
Educational objectives:
This Program focuses on biomass, of which practical application and technological development are sought after for society due to its renewable and carbon-neutral properties.
Based on their knowledge in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, students will acquire basic knowledge about technologies and systems for effective biomass utilization and understand the current status of biomass research and development.
The students will also study the methodologies of mechanical engineering- and chemical engineering-based practical application as example biomass utilizations.
Ultimately, the Program aims to train future specialists who will work on utilization technologies and system development for biomass, which is in great societal demand.
Hyper-Human Technology 【Program open to students in the Departments of Mechanical Systems Engineering,Mechanical Science and Engineering, System Cybernetics, Information Engineering,and Chemical Engineering】
Educational objectives:
The main theme of this Program, Hyper-Human Technology, is the collective term for measuring, information-processing, and control technologies that largely surpass the humanly-possible levels of excellence.
The development of Hyper-Human Technology, combining robotics, bio-engineering, image engineering and other branches of engineering, aims at creating innovative new technologies and realizing their practical applications that cover not only engineering but medicine, welfare, biological production, etc.
The Program therefore aims at leading the students to acquire knowledge and skills with which they will, on the basis of the results of the 21st COE research project “Hyper-Human Technology toward 21st-century Industrial Revolution,” search for interdisciplinary solutions to societal problems by integrating technologies according to societal needs.
Green Chemistry 【Program open to students in the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry】
Educational objectives::
To reconcile technological development with global environmental protection, it is essential to expand the use of functional chemical materials while securing their safety.
Meanwhile, it is becoming increasingly important to tackle environmental problems through chemical approaches.
In view of this situation, the Program aims at conducting research into “green manufacturing,” which involves, among other aspects, designing environmentally safe molecules and reactions, developing highly efficient chemical conversions, and employing environment-friendly chemical processes, as well as at preparing the students for such research that may ultimately enable fundamental solutions to be found to the environmental problems.
General Urban Disaster Reduction【Program open to students in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture】
Educational objectives:
Japan suffers from 13.4% of the total damage (in monetary value) caused by natural disasters in the world. In the next 30 years, major earthquakes are predicted in the Tokai and Tonankai regions in Japan.
At the same time, the threat of flooding in urban centers is growing due to global climate change.
The experience of Kobe Port, which lost its previous position as one of the world’s major ports following the earthquake, points to the urgency and importance of disaster reduction in urban centers, where population, properties, and production facilities are concentrated.
On the other hand, the number of buildings and infrastructural facilities that support urban life and are older than 50 years will remarkably increase in the next 50 years, and their low levels of anti-disaster functionality and resistance is a cause of much societal concern.