Contact Information
For alumni from Graduate Program and Undergraduate Program
From January 2021, former students will be required to pay an issuance fee of 500yen 1per copy. In principle, please apply online.
Student Support Office, School of Engineering
- TEL: +81-(0)82-424-7542
- E-mail: kou-gaku-gakubu[at]
(Please replace "[at]" with "@". )
Graduate Section, Student Support Office, Graduate School of Engineering
- TEL: +81-(0)82-424-7518,7519
- E-mail: kou-gaku-daigakuin[at]
(Please replace "[at]" with "@". )
For Current Students
【Student Discount Certificate】
Student Support Office, School of Engineering
- TEL: +81-(0)82-424-7542
- E-mail: kou-gaku-gakubu[at]
(Please replace "[at]" with "@". )
Graduate Section, Student Support Office, Graduate School of Engineering
- TEL: +81-(0)82-424-7518,7519
- E-mail: kou-gaku-daigakuin[at]
(Please replace "[at]" with "@". )
【Health Certificate】
Student Life Section
- TEL: +81-(0)82-424-6192
- E-mail: health[at]
(Please replace "[at]" with "@". )