How to Request Certificates

From January 2021, former students will be required to pay an issuance fee of 500yen 1per copy. In principle, please apply online.
You can print and obtain some certificates in convenience stores (domestic 7-Eleven , Family Mart and Lawson), 24 hours a day, year-round. (*1) (For details about certificates that can be issued in convenience stores, refer to "☆Certificates Issued at Convenience Stores/Users" below.)

*1 Excludes (machine) maintenance hours/periods in which the University suspends operations.

【Notice of Service Outage for Maintenance 】(Posted February 14, 2025)
 Due to system maintenance, the Certificate Issuance Service will be unavailable during the following hours.
 February 17, 2025, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00  p.m.  (scheduled)
 Please note that depending on the status of the maintenance, there may be a slight delay in the service outage.

Starting February 2024, the criteria for spam detection in Gmail and Yahoo! Mail will be updated.
Due to the new criteria, e-mails from certificate issuing services to Gmail or Yahoo! Mail may be judged as junk mail.
Please check to make sure that emails from the certificate issuing service have not been classified as junk mail.

【Shipping certificates to overseas】
Some countries have stopped accepting EMS at this time.
Since the postage fee is non-refundable, please do not choose to send by EMS if you wish to send to a country that has stopped accepting EMS.
Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post.

Application Method

● Apply online using a PC or smartphone. Please access the application site by clicking the "Online Application Page" below.

In principle, we will not accept applications for certificate issuance by mail.

Issuance fee

Former Student
(graduation /withdrawal /expulsion)
500Yen /1per copy

●Convenience Store: A printing fee (60yen /1per copy) is also charged.
●Postal Mail: A postage fee is also charged.
●If you are currently enrolled in Hiroshima University and would like any certificates from a previous course, log in the system as a "former student".
(ex. In case that a current Master's students issue certificates of Undergraduate Program)

● Payment Methods

Credit Card Payment VISA, Mastercard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DinersClub
Convenience Store Cash Payment SmartPit *(Family Mart, Lawson)
Convenience store cash payment (7-Eleven)
Cashless Payment Mobile phone billing(DoCoMo, au, SoftBank)
Pay-easy, LINE Pay, Apple Pay, PayPay

* SmartPit
・Family Mart:multimedia machine "FamiPort", Click here for details.
・Lawson:multimedia machine "Loppi", Click here for details .

Transaction fees and postage fees are non-refunded.
Please note that the convenience store has a, “printing deadline” (7 days after applying, until midnight of the 8th day).
For convenience store cash payment, please pay at the convenience store within 7 days of application.

Available Convenience Stores

● Convenience stores that can be issued are domestic 7-Eleven, Family Mart and Lawson where multi-copy machines are installed.
・7-Eleven*: FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation's muilti-copy machine is compatible with the "netprint". Click here for more information.
・Family Mart and Lawson:  Sharp Marketing Japan Corporation's muilti-copy machine is compatible with the "Network Printing Service". Click here for more information.

☆Certificates Issued at Convenience Stores/Users

Undergraduate Students enrolled after 2001
 ◎ Certificate of Graduation (Japanese / English) 
   ◎ Certificate of Academic Records (Japanese / English)

Graduate Students enrolled after 2002
 ◎ Certificate of Graduation (Japanese / English)
 ◎ Certificate of Academic Records (Japanese / English)

Non-Degree Student and Special Auditing Student enrolled after 2002
   ◎ Certificate of Academic Records (Japanese / English)

*Certificates other than the above must be sent via postal mail. Please apply online. (Issued in about 1 week)
If you need Certificate of Employment or Certificate of Withholding Tax for employment at Hiroshima University, you cannot apply through the online application page.
Please contact the General Affairs or Personnel Office of each faculty or graduate school.

● Certificate of Academic Records (English) does not include a degree and thesis title.
● "Certificate of Doctoral Degree Conferment" can only be issued to those who have doctoral degree of Hiroshima University.
● Certificates issued at convenience stores will be forge-proof. A copied version of the certificate will not be valid for use.
● In case you require the certificate to be sealed up, please select to issue via postal mail.
● If you need to write the name in English certificate in lowercase letters, we will respond by mail.Please select mail (郵送) of the printing methods from the “Issue Certificates(証明書を発行).”
● The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan does not accept certificates issued by convenience stores. If you need to submit it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, please select to issue via postal mail.

Online Application Page

* The following browsers cannot be used.
IE10 or lower, Safari 6.0.4 or lower, Android 4.3 or lower, iOS 5.0.1 or lower, feature phones in general

*In case of applying certificates by the end of Month you graduate, please use the site for "current students". (An issuance fee is free and only a printing fee is required.)

Please register for first time applicants.
Apply for the service (For former student / First time only)

If you have an ID for this service, please login here.
Login page for former student

Login manual (for former student) 
* The manual for the issuance application procedure is available from the menu button (gear icon) after logging in.

* Dissertation Doctorates without University registration, please apply here.

* If you cannot find your affiliation in "大学院修士 / Master's Course" , please look for it in  "大学院前期 / Master's Course (First Term Doctoral Course)".
If you cannot find your affiliation in "大学院博士 / Doctoral Course" , please look for it in  "大学院後期 / Doctoral Course (Second Term Doctoral Course)".
The Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies is included in the "Master's Course" or "Doctoral Course".

* If you have enrolled in more than one course, you have to apply for a certificate for each course.

* For the details, please refer to  ”2.3 How to Add a Student ID Number(Only for those who have multiple student ID numbers)" in the "Login manual (for former student)” .

* If your registered date of birth is off by one day when you apply from overseas, please do either 1 or 2 below.
(1) Change the time zone of your PC or smartphone to Japan (UTC+9:00) and restart your browser to apply.
(2) Enter the date of birth on the following day, check that the value is correct on the confirmation screen, and click the "Application" button.

* To the graduates of Morito Institute of Global Higher Education 3+1 Program

Please make sure to select a faculty, not a program when applying certificates. Do not select " Morito Institute of Global Higher Education(森戸国際高等教育学院)".

Advice/Notes Online Application

● Please register for first time applicant. After that, Hiroshima University's staff will verify your identitiy and issue an initial password.
*In principle, your applications will be processed by 17:00 on the next day (Buisiness day).
*Please note that the reception and approval are not processed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and long holidays.
● Due to various circumstances, it may take longer than usual to process the application for issuance of  certificates and to issue and send them.
● Some certificates that cannot be issued at convenience stores may require more than one week to be sent.
 Please apply with time to spare, take into account weekends, national holidays, vacations, year-end and New Year vacations, and postal conditions.
● If you require certificates to be sealed up, please select "Sealed up" on the postal menu. In case you request each certificate to be sealed separately, please indicate this clearly in the "Remarks" column. Unless there are no specified, different types of certificates wll be sealed togeter.
● In case the certificate you want to issue is not displayed there, select "Other" and indicate what kind of certificate you need in the "Remarks" column.If you will choose "Other" certificate, please contact the Educational Affairs Section of each (Graduate) School before applying. Depend on the situation, we cannot issue the certificate you need. In this case, transaction fees and postage fees will  not be refunded.
● If you have specified the form from the place where you submitted the certificate, please indicate this in the "Other" column and attach the specified form, or send it to your student section via email or mail.
● In addition, please describe in the "Remarks" column for the following cases.
 ◎ When applying for a "Certificate of PhD Degree Awarded" in English, enter the thesis title in English.
 ◎ If you have other inquires/matters.

For those who have received a certificate

● If you receive a certificate issued by the convenience store, you can use POPITA technology to check the authenticity of the certificate. Click here for more details.

Other Information

● Please also check the website of the school or graduate school that you have graduated from.
● The acquired personal information will be used for the purpose of issuing certificates and the following purposes based on the "Hiroshima University Personal Information Protection Policy".
 ・Information provision and Notice about questionnaires from Hiroshima University.
 ・Notice from The Hiroshima University Alumni Association and Alumni Association.

● Contact
◎ Payment Methods and System Operations

Certificate Issuing Service
(Available 24 Hours)

◎ Each Department (8: 30-17: 15 except Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and long vacations)
*Email: Please add "" after @.
* Graduates of the School of Political Science and Economics should check the website of the School of Law or School of Economics, graduates of the School of Science of Fisheries and Animal Sciences, the website of the School of Applied Biological Science, and graduates of the School of School Education, the website of the School of Education, respectively.

Schools TEL Email
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences(Japanese page) 082-424-6315 souka-gaku-sien@
School of Letters(Japanese page) 082-424-6613 bun-gaku-sien@
School of Education(Japanese page) 082-424-6725 kyoiku-gakusi@
School of Law(Daytime course)(Japanese page) 082-542-7057 senda-gaku-sien@
School of Law(Evening main course)(Japanese page)  082-542-6998 senda-gaku-sien@
School of Economics(Daytime course)(Japanese page) 082-424-7217 syakai-gaku-sien@
School of Economics(Evening main course)(Japanese page)  082-542-6961 senda-gaku-sien@
School of Science(Japanese page) 082-424-7317 ri-gaku-sien@
School of Medicine(Japanese page) 082-257-5046 kasumi-gaku@
School of Dentistry(Japanese page) 082-257-5046 kasumi-gaku@
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences(Japanese page) 082-257-5046 kasumi-gaku@
School of Engineering 082-424-7516,
School of Informatics and Data Science 082-424-7516,
School of Applied Biological Science(Japanese page) 082-424-7915 sei-gaku-sien@


Advanced Course TEL Email
Special Course of Special Needs Education(Japanese page) 082-424-3706 kyoiku-in@


Graduate Schools TEL Email
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences(Japanese page) 082-424-6316 souka-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Letters(Japanese page) 082-424-6615 bun-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Education(Japanese page) 082-424-3706 kyoiku-in@
Graduate School of Social Sciences,
Department of Law and Politics(Japanese page)
082-542-7045 senda-daigakuin@
Graduate School of Social Sciences,
Department of Economics(Japanese page)
082-424-7189 syakai-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Social Sciences,
Department of Management Studies
082-542-6962 senda-daigakuin@
Graduate School of Science(Japanese page) 082-424-7309 ri-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter(Japanese page) 082-424-7019 sentan-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Japanese page) 082-257-5056 kasumi-gaku@
Graduate School of Engineering 082-424-7519 kou-gaku-daigakuin@
Graduate School of Biosphere Science(Japanese page) 082-424-7908 sei-daigakuin-sien@
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation 082-424-6909 koku-gaku@
Hiroshima University Law School(Japanese page) 082-542-7087 houmu-gaku-sien@
Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society 082-424-6909 smart-society@


Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Programs TEL Email
Humanities Program 082-424-6615 bun-gaku-sien@
Law and Politics Program 082-542-7045 senda-daigakuin@
Economics Program 082-424-7148 syakai-gaku-sien@
Management Sciences Program 082-542-6962 senda-daigakuin@
Program for Law Practice Professionals 082-542-7087 houmu-gaku-sien@
International Peace and Co-existence Program
International Economic Development Program
International Education Development Program
Joint International Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development
(Hiroshima University and University of Graz)
082-424-6909 koku-gaku@
Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program 082-424-6316 souka-gaku-sien@
Psychology Program
Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program
Educational Studies Program
Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program
Professional Development Program for Teachers and School Leaders
082-424-3706 kyoiku-in@


Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Programs TEL Email
Mathematics Program
Physics Program
Earth and Planetary Systems Science Program
Basic Chemistry Program
082-424-7309 ri-gaku-sien@
Applied Chemistry Program
Chemical Engineering Program
Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program
Mechanical Engineering Program
Transportation and Environmental Systems Program
Architecture Program
Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
Informatics and Data Science Program
Smart Innovation Program
082-424-7519 kou-gaku-daigakuin@
Quantum Matter Program 082-424-7019 sentan-gaku-sien@
Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program 082-424-6316 souka-gaku-sien@
Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
Joint International Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development
(Hiroshima University and Leipzig University)
082-424-6909 koku-gaku@


Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life

Programs TEL Email
Program of Basic Biology
Program of Mathematical and Life Sciences
Program of Biomedical Science
082-424-7309 ri-gaku-sien@
Program of Biotechnology 082-424-7019 sentan-gaku-sien@
Program of Food and AgriLife Science
Program of Bioresource Science
082-424-7908 sei-daigakuin-sien@
Program of Life and Environmental Sciences 082-424-6316 souka-gaku-sien@

