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Graduate Degrees at HU
Learn about the graduate degrees offered at Hiroshima University.
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Hear about what international students are studying here at Hiroshima University and the kind of research we are conducting!
2013.4-2013.9 Research Student
2013.10- Master's Program, Graduate School of Engineering
International Dental Course
(from Airlangga University)
*Currently studying inat the School of Dentistry (4th grade year) as a special auditing student
2013.4-2013.9 Research Student
2013.10- Master's Program, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
2011.10-2012.3 Research Student
2012.4- 2014.3 Master's Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences
2014.4- Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences
2012.4-2013.3 Research Student
2013.4- Master's Program, Graduate School of Sciences
2011.4-2012.3 Research Student
2012.4-2014.3 Master's Program, Graduate School of Education
2014.4- Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Education
2013.10- Master's Program, Graduate School for International Development and Coorperation
2013.4-2014.3 Research Student
2014.4- Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Letters
Researcher Interviews/Introductions
Discover the research fields of faculty members at Hiroshima University through the Researcher Directory. This system enables you to explore around 1,900 researchers based on topics, disciplines, or SDGs.
Research NOW takes a look at the leading research being done by professors at HU, and is a page that introduces these researchers' works. Our professors provide high-level education and research guidance to our students and cultivate advanced specialization in the field of academics while developing and expanding leading research in their respective fields. Each edition of Research NOW features the cutting edge research of one of our professors here at HU explained in simple terms. Have a look and see for yourself the leading research that HU has to offer!
Interview with Professors is a page that introduces faculty members at Graduate School of Biosphere Science.