Education and Student Life

Hiroshima University Educational Ethics Code

 Hiroshima University is dedicated to providing an environment where students can learn
proactively and flexibly. It aims to develop individuals who possess a rich sense of humanity, a
broad education, and excellent specialized knowledge, and who can independently find and solve
problems. These individuals will help build a society capable of free and peaceful sustained
development. To support these principles, Hiroshima University has established specific
guidelines that all educational staff must follow.

1. Basic Attitude of Faculty and Staff

 Faculty and staff, fully conscious of the core principles of their educational activities, work to
ensure that every student develops a deep sense of humanity and a desire for peace, while also
fully realizing their potential as globally educated individuals.

2. Respect for the Human Rights and Individuality of Students

 Faculty and staff are committed to respecting and protecting students’ human rights and dignity.
They treat students with respect and strictly avoid any form of discrimination or harassment.

3. Fair Class Management

 Faculty members are committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment. They
clearly outline learning goals, lesson plans, and grading criteria before sincerely teaching their
classes and fairly evaluating student performance.

4. Class Improvement / Learning Support

 Faculty members always strive to improve their classes. They also team up with other faculty
and staff to help students learn on their own.

5. Student Guidance

 Faculty and staff listen to students’ opinions and guide them sincerely.


(*) The terms “faculty and staff” and “faculty” as used in this Code include Teaching Assistants.


(Established September 17, 2024)
