The terms in the list have the following meanings:.
Specialized subject
Name "research outline"
e-mail address (**** ) / TEL:082-424-**** / Room†
*Clicking on the name will take you to the "Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars in Hiroshima University" page for each researcher.
†Room:「AdSM」…Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter 「ABS」…School of Applied Biological Science「IAS」…Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences 「SCI」…Graduate School of Science
Cancer Biology
Contact: yutaka /7440 Room:SCI A311

Study of formation of normal and disease tissues and expression of their biological functions using 3D cell culture system.
Contact: harukot /7441 Room:SCI A310
Neurobiology & Cell Biology

Molecular mechanism underlying neural network formation, maturation and maintenance. Genetic studies to reveal molecular mechanism for the interaction between environment (nutrition, odor and various stress etc.) and individual condition (longevity and behavior etc.).
Contact: tchihara /7443 Room:SCI A312

Molecular mechanism of cell division via regulation of cytoskeleton.
Contact: kozue /7444 Room:SCI A313

I am interested in the diversity of behavior. Using nematodes as model animals, I have been studying on the function, development and evolution of neural circuits that regulate diverse behaviors.
Contact: okumuram /7445 Room:SCI A315
Developmental Biology & Evolutionary Biology

1) Genomic and epigenetic regulation of development and regeneration in vertebrates.
Keywords: Xenopus, eye development, neural development, organ regeneration, transcriptional regulation, epigenetics.
2) Molecular mechanisms of genome evolution and environmental adaptation in amphibians.
Keywords: genome duplication, cis-regulatory evolution, chordates, amphibians.
Contact: oginohaj /7482 Room:Amphibian Research Center M221

Identifying molecular mechanisms of adaptive evolution via genome analyses.
Contact: tigawa /5284 Room:Amphibian Research Center M229

I will contribute to understand developmental basis of epithelial organ and human disease using amphibians including Xenopus tropicalis as a model.
Contact: makotos /5284 Room:Amphibian Research Center M229
Organ regeneration

Stydy of organ regeneration and development using urodele amphibian newts. We focus on the regulatory mechanism of cell proliferation in organ regenetion.
Contact: toshih2 /7481 Room:Amphibian Research Center M211
Molecular Biophysics
Contact: tate /7387 Room:SCI A213

Research for the mechanisms of cell-polarization, and how it contributes the biological events, including human disease.
Contact: kyotay12 /4327 Room:SCI A226
Systems Genomics

Development and application of genome editing in various organisms.
Contact: tybig /7446 Room:SCI A406

Research for transcriptional regulation, nuclear dynamics of gene, chromatin and chromosome, and mechanism of insulator activity, using the sea urchin development as a model.
Contact: naosaka /7447 Room:SCI A409

Development of new technology of genome editing using mammalian cultured cells; Development and application of artificial transcriptional control and epigenome editing systems repurposed from genome editing.
Contact: tetsushi-sakuma /6292 Room:SCI B105

Research on the molecular mechanisms of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene expression in pluripotent stem cells.
Contact: ochiai /424-4008 Room:Innovation Plaza 1A01

Generation and analysis of disease model mice by genome editing technologies.
Contact: hosoba /421-4002 Room:Innovation Plaza 1B04
Computational Biology

Computational biology, e.g. molecular dynamics simulation of proteins and DNA, mechanical modeling of molecular complexes and cell crowds, and bio-imaging data analysis; to elucidate the mechanisms of information processing in living systems.
Contact: togashi /7373 Room:SCI C201
Radiation Biology

DNA damage induced by radiation and anti-cancer agent and repair mechanisms.
Contact: tsudam /7458 Room:SCI B602
RIKEN-Hiroshima University Collaboration Research Facility

Understand the life system from the three-dimensional structure analysis of the biological specimen using the advanced electron microscopes and read and understand the cell information that controls the important vital phenomena such as pathology and aging.
Contact: ai3141 /421-0313 Room:RIKEN(in Hiroshima University Innovation Plaza )
Molecular Brain Science

Synthetic mechanisms and physiological functions of neurosteroids.
Contact: takey /6527 Room:IAS B305

Studies of enzymes involved in regulation of neuronal signal transduction.
Contact: aishida /6526 Room:IAS B314

Study on the metabolism and physiological functions of unsaturated fatty acids (Arachidonic acid and DHA etc.) on brain. Molecular mechanism of cellular responses to hypoxia or oxidatives tress.
Contact: aoguro /6500 Room:IAS B307
Functional Biochemistry

Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology on glial cells: Modulation of neurological disorders by chemical exposure (i.e. environmental chemicals and PM2.5) and neuroprotective action of biological lipids such as steroids and unsaturated fatty acids.
Contact: ishiyasu /6500 Room:IAS B307
Molecular Neuropharmacology

Determining the biological significance of the novel neuroactive molecules which mediate synaptic and primary cilia transmission.
Contact: yumist /6563 Room:IAS C319

Structure and function of ion channels and receptors. Plasticity of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission.
Contact: yasfuru /6566 Room:IAS C308

Study on the physiological functions of neuronal substances regulating appetite and energy homeostasis.
Contact: ukena /6571 Room:IAS B403
Animal Breeding and Genetics

Genetic studies on qualitative and quantitative traits of poultry.
Contact: tsudzuki /7950 Room:ABS B416
Biological Psychology

Biological basis of emotion, learning, and mind in animals.
Contact: yosidam /7982 Room:ABS A311
Molecular Cell Biology

Study on molecular mechanisms of telomere maintenance and DNA repair and their applications for development of anti-cancer and anti-ageing agents.
Contact: scmueno /7768 Room:AdSM 503W
Cell Biology

Study on the control mechanisms of cell structure which is crucial for cellular functions.
Contact: kume513 /7766 Room:AdSM 701W
Cell Regulation

Our research focuses on the molecular mechanisms to establish and maintain a bipolar spindle structure, which is essential for proper chromosome segregation. We also aim to implement our findings towards the development of novel drugs and therapeutic technologies by which to build and sustain healthy aging society.
Contact: myukawa /7754 Room:AdSM 503W

We use computational methods to analyze gene regulation with a focus on clinical and medical applications. Topics of particular interest are transcriptional effects of drug treatment, and regulatory networks governing disease.
Contact: arner /7947 Room:ABS A516
Genome Editing Innovation Center
The exaptaion history of endogenous retroviruses in mammals.
Contact: sshimode /424-4008 Room:Innovation Plaza 1A01
RNA Biology・Epigenomics

Our Lab aims to understand the epigenetic mechanisms that underlie mammalian brain development that is highly species-specific. We employ different types of genome-wide analyses that include DNA methylome, ChIP-seq and single cell transcriptome. Especially, we are now focusing on the involvement of long non-coding RNAs in the gene-specific epigenetic regulation.
Contact: timamura /7438 Room:SCI A302
Genome Informatics
Development of database technologies for genome editing and functional genomics by bioinformatic approach.
Contact: bonohu / 424-4013 Room:Innovation Plaza 2B01
Behavioral systems biology

Living things exhibit clever information processing to cope with environmental changes, even at individual level. In addition, we are often fascinated with emergence of more intelligent behaviors when living things collectively self-organize at population level. Our ultimate research purpose is to understand an origin of this intelligence. Therefore, we employ the nematode C. elegans as a model animal and seek physical rules governing individual and population level behaviors and aging of its underlying neural network. For this purpose, we have taken interdisciplinary approaches between behavioral genetics, engineering and nonlinear physics.
Contact: sugit / 424-4012 Room:Innovation Plaza 2A01