Goal-oriented system
Each program clarifies the knowledge and abilities that undergraduate students should acquire by graduation as their goals, and their attainment levels are periodically checked. HiPROSPECTS(R) is a system that enables individual students to steadily develop their capabilities their goals.
Three Programs
Through the combination of Major Programs, Minor Programs and Specific Programs, students can pursue their studies according to their interests.
Major Programs
Organized for obtaining a bachelor’s degree at graduation
Minor Programs
Organized to allow students to study subjects offered by other major programs
Specific Programs
Organized to allow students to study specific themes or prepare to obtain license/qualifications

In the process of their working toward their goals, HiPROSPECTS(R) allows students to specifically understand to what to extent they have acuired what kind of abilities, and what they are lacking. This system is also useful in establishing student’s study course plans for the next semester.