


  • 整理番号:20-07
  • 設置期間:2008年04月01日~2020年03月31日
  • センター長(所属/職名/氏名):大学院生物圏科学研究科  / 教授 / 山本 民次
  • 連絡先(TEL/FAX/E-mail):082-424-7945 / 082-424-7998  / tamyama[AT]hiroshima-u.ac.jp
  • オリジナルページ:https://www.cerbee.jp/home/






















•8/4-7 国際仔稚魚学会(Larval Fish Conference),キール(ドイツ)
•9/23-27 国際海洋探査委員会(ICES),ハリファックス(カナダ)
•10/20-24 第5回世界水産学会議(WFC),パシフィコ横浜(横浜市)
•10/26-11/4 第8回世界閉鎖性海域環境保全会議(EMECS8),上海(中国)









 沿岸・内湾域における魚類の成育場として重要な藻場(アマモ場・ガラモ場) と河口域をフィールドとして,メバル,スズキ等の仔稚魚の生産速度を算出し,魚類生産の場(ゆりかご)としての機能の経済価値を試算した.


•浅岡 聡・山本民次:石炭灰造粒物による有機質底泥の改善.用水と排水,51, 157-163 (2009).
•Nishikawa, T., K. Tarutani and T. Yamamoto: Nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics of the harmful diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg, a causative organism in the bleaching of aquacultured Porphyra thalli. Harmful Algae, 8, 513-517 (2009).
•浅岡 聡・山本民次・山本杏子:造粒石粉を用いた沿岸底質環境改善材開発のための基礎的研究~栄養塩溶出試験およびSkeletonema costatumの増殖試験~.水環境学会誌,31, 93-99 (2008.4).
•原口浩一・山本民次・片山貴之・山形陽一・松田 治:人工中層海底による養殖場沈降有機物の分解促進.日本水産学会誌,74, 429-431 (2008.5).
•Yamamoto, T., K. Takeshita, N. Hiraga and T. Hashimoto: An estimation of net ecosystem metabolism and net denitrification of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Ecol. Model., 215, 55-68 (2008).
•浅岡 聡・山本民次・山本杏子:石炭灰造粒物を用いた沿岸底質環境改善材開発のための基礎的研究~栄養塩溶出試験およびSkeletonema costatumの増殖試験~.水環境学会誌,31, 455-462 (2008).
•陸田秀実・黒川剛幸・土井康明・山本民次・橋本俊也:江田島湾における流動・物質収支モデルの構築と広島牡蠣養殖の影響.海岸工学論文集,55,1201-1205 (2008)
•山本民次・橋本俊也・松田 治・郷 秋雄・中口和光・原口浩一:広島湾と周防灘の底質の比較-とくに季節変動と各項目間の関係について.日本水産学会誌,74, 1037-1042 (2008).
•山本民次・浅岡 聡・原口浩一:海産付着珪藻Nitzschia sp.の増殖に対するHUS®の影響.広島大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要,47, 53-59 (2008).
•山本民次:「里海」としての沿岸域の新たな利用("Sato-Umi" - New Concept for the Utilization of Coastal Seas).水産学シリーズ,日本水産学会(監修),山本民次(編著):恒星社厚生閣,東京,154 pp. (2010.11.30).
•山本民次・山本裕規・浅岡 聡:太田川-広島湾流域圏.森と海をむすぶ川,京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センター(編),向井 宏(監修),京都大学学術出版会,京都,pp. 127-150(2012.6).
•山本民次:里海創生.水産海洋学入門,水産海洋学会(編).講談社,東京,pp. 210-217(2014.3).
•Nishikawa, T., K. Tarutani and T. Yamamoto: Nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics of the harmful diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg, a causative organism in the bleaching of aquacultured Porphyra thalli. Harmful Algae, 8, 513-517 (2009.1).
•浅岡 聡・山本民次:石炭灰造粒物による有機質底泥の改善(Remediation of organically rich sediment with granulated coal ash).用水と排水,51, 157-163 (2009.2).
•山本民次・前田 一・松田 治・橋本俊也:広島湾マガキCrassostrea gigasの成長および排糞に対する養殖密度の影響.日本水産学会誌,75, 230-236 (2009.3).
•浅岡 聡・山本杏子・原口浩一・山本民次:底質改善材としての石炭灰造粒物の底生微細藻および底泥の菌叢への影響(Effects of granulated coal ash as a sediment amendment on benthic microalgae and microbial communities in the sediment).用水と排水,51, 237-244(2009.3).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto, S. Kondo and S. Hayakawa: Removal of hydrogen sulfide using crushed oyster shell from pore water to remediate organically enriched coastal marine sediments. Bioresource Technology, 100, 4127-4132 (2009.5).
•Kondo, S., S. Asaoka, T. Yamamoto and S.Hayakawa: Adsorption mechanism of hydrogen sulfide onto crushed oyster shell. The 13th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p. 37 (2009).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto and S. Hayakawa: Adsorption mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide onto granulated coal ash. The 13th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p. 34 (2009).
•Sarker, J. Md., T. Yamamoto and T. Hashimoto: Contribution of benthic microalgae to the whole water algal biomass and primary production in Suo Nada. J. Oceanogr., 65, 311-323 (2009.6).
•浅岡 聡・山本民次・早川慎二郎:石炭灰造粒物による硫化物イオンの除去.水環境学会誌,32, 363-368(2009.7).
•山本民次:沿岸海域生態系における底生微細藻の役割.沿岸海洋研究,47, 3-10 (2009.8).
•原口浩一・山本民次:微小酸素電極法および酸素フラックス法による底生微細藻光合成生産の実測.沿岸海洋研究,47, 43-49 (2009.8).
•原口浩一・山本民次・片山貴之・松田 治:人工魚礁に形成される食物連鎖を通した炭素フロー(Carbon flow through the food web established on an artificial fish reef).日本水産学会誌,75, 810-818(2009.9).
•山本民次・笹田尚平・原口浩一:人工中層海底によるカキ養殖場沈降物量の軽減能評価-設置後半年間の調査から-(An artificial midlayer seafloor-Evaluation of reducing sinking particulate load from suspended oyster culture from an initial half-year observation).日本水産学会誌,75, 834-843(2009.9).
•Yamamoto, T., H. Maeda, O. Matsuda and T. Hashimoto: Effects of culture density on the growth and fecal production of oyster Crassostrea gigas. Proceedings of PICES-2009“Understanding ecosystem dynamics and pursuing ecosystem approaches to management”, Jeju, Korea, p. 261 (2009.10).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto, I. Yoshioka and H. Tanaka: Remediation of coastal marine sediments using granulated coal ash. J. Hazad. Mat., 172, 92-98 (2009.12).
•福間晴美・日比野忠史・山本民次・斉藤 直:石炭灰造粒物覆砂による環境修復効果-汽水域をフィールドとして-.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),B2-65, 1026-1030(2009.12).
•Yamamoto, T., S. Asaoka and H. Yamamoto: The Center for Restoration of Basin Ecosystem and Environment (CeRBEE), activity center for integrated coastal management, established in Hiroshima University, Japan. Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Management for Marine Biodiversity in Asia, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 68-72 (2010.1).
•Haraguchi, K., T. Yamamoto, S. Chiba, Y. Shimizu and M. Nagao: Effects of phytoplankton vertical migration on the formation of oxygen depleted water in a shallow coastal sea. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 86, 441-449 (2010.2).
•Asaoka, S., S. Hayakawa, T. Yamamoto and S. Kondo: Identifying sulfur species for revealing adsorption mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide onto granulated coal ash by XAFS analysis, The 14th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p. 31 (2010.2).
•Yamamoto, T., S. Asaoka and H. Yamamoto: Long-term changes in phosphorus and nitrogen cycles in northern Hiroshima Bay. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Terrestorial Envirionment. “Research of Watershed Environment ? Past to Future ?“, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 55-59 (2010.2).
•斉藤英俊・山本民次:カキ筏の付着動物に対する鋼線被覆素材各種の防汚特性比較.付着生物学会誌,27, 1-10 (2010.3).
•Asaoka, S. and T. Yamamoto: Blast furnace slag can effectively remediate coastal marine sediments affected by organic enrichment. Mar. Poll. Bull., 60, 573-578 (2010.4).
•Asaoka, S. and T. Yamamoto: Characteristics of phosphate adsorption onto granulated coal ash in seawater. Mar. Poll. Bull., 60, 1188-1192 (2010.8).
•Nishikawa, T., K. Tarutani and T. Yamamoto: Nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics of the harmful diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii, a causative organism in the bleaching of aquacultured Porphyra thalli. Harmful Algae, 9, 563-567 (2010.8).
•Yamamoto, T., S. Kondo, S. Asaoka, H. Yamamoto, T. Hibino, M. Tokuoka and Y. Yasumitsu: Activity for restoration of the muddy tidal flat at the innermost Hiroshima Bay. Proceedings of Techno-Ocean 2010, Kobe, Japan, CD-ROM (2010.10).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto, S. Kondo and S. Hayakawa: Crushed oyster shell addition is effective in suppressing hydrogen sulfide build-up in anoxic marine sediments. Proceedings of Techno-Ocean 2010, Kobe, Japan, CD-ROM (2010.10).
•山本裕規・山本民次・高田忠宏・三戸勇吾・高橋俊之:浮遊系-底生系カップリング・モデルによる広島湾北部海域の貧酸素水塊形成に関する動態解析.水環境学会誌,34, 19-28(2011.2).
•山本民次:水産から見た「里海」のあり方(The way of “Sato-umi” should be the viewpoint of fisheries).沿岸海洋研究,48, 125-130(2011.2).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto, Y. Mogi and S. Hayakawa: XAFS analysis of calcium peroxide on the surface of peroxized oyster shell. Proceedings of the 15th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p 40-41 (2011.2).
•浅岡 聡・山本民次・増山悦子:熱風乾燥牡蠣殻片による閉鎖性水域の環境改善.用水と廃水,53, 371-378 (2011.2).
•Asaoka, S. and T. Yamamoto: Phosphorus mass balance in a highly eutrophic semi-enclosed inlet near a big metropolis: A small inlet can contribute towards particlulate organic matter production. Mar. Poll. Bull., 63, 237-242 (2011.4).
•陸田秀実・村上一樹・土井康明・山本民次・川口 修:江田島湾のカキ筏配置の季節変動と海水交換率への影響.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),67, I364-I369 (2011.12).
•川口 修・平田 靖・若野 真・山本民次・陸田秀実:カキ養殖の実施形態別有機物負荷特性の評価(Evaluation of organic matter load in different methods of oyster culture).日水誌,77, 1043-1050 (2011.12).
•斉藤 直・山本民次・日比野忠史・桑原智之・花岡研一:底生生物に対する石炭灰造粒物によるリサイクル材の安全性評価.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),67, I1111-I1115(2011.12).
•宮田康人・本田秀樹・藪田和哉・林 明夫・山本民次:製鋼スラグ製品を用いた藻場・魚礁マウンドへの生物着生.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),CD-ROM (2011.12).
•山本民次・原田啓太:航路筋に堆積した有機泥の改善に関する研究:有光層への移動と鉄鋼スラグ添加による生物生息場形成.海洋理工学会誌,17, 99-110 (2011.12).
•Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto, Y. Takahashi, H. Yamamoto, K. H. Kim and K. Orimoto: Development of an on-site simplified determination method for hydrogen sulfide in marine sediment pore water using a shipboard ion electrode with consideration of hydrogen sulfide oxidation rate. Interdisciplinary Studies on Env. Chem., pp. 345-352 (2012.3).
•Kim, K. H., Asaoka, S., T. Yamamoto and S. Hayakawa: Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide onto steel making slag. The 16th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p. 98-99 (2012.3).
•Asaoka, S., S. Hayakawa, K. H. Kim, K.Takeda, M. Katayama and T. Yamamoto: Combined adsorption and oxidation mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide on granulated coal ash. J. Coll. Interface Sci., 377, 284-290 (2012.4).
•林 明夫・渡辺哲哉・金子諒子・鷹野 明・高橋克則・宮田康人・松尾章子・山本民次・井上 亮・有山達郎:製鋼スラグによる閉鎖性海域における硫化物イオンの低減.(Decrease of sulfide in enclosed coastal sea by using steelmaking slag) 鉄と鋼,98, 207-214 (2012.4).
•Kittiwanich, J., P. Songsangjinda, T. Yamamoto, K. Fukami and P. Muangyao: Modeling the effect of nitrogen input from feed on the nitrogen dynamics in an enclosed intensive culture pond of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Coast. Mar. Sci., 35, 39-51 (2012.4).
•Yamamoto, T., M. Suzuki, K. H. Kim and S. Asaoka: Growth and uptake kinetics for phosphate by the benthic microalgae Nitzschia sp. isolated from Hiroshima Bay, Japan. Phycol. Res., 60, 223-228 (2012.7).
•林 明夫・浅岡 聡・渡辺哲哉・金子諒子・高橋克則・宮田康人・Kyunghoi Kim・山本民次・井上 亮・有山達郎:鉄鋼スラグによる海水中の硫化物イオンの低減機構(Mechanism of Suppression of Sulfide Ion in Seawater Using Steelmaking Slag).鉄と鋼,98, 624-631 (2012.9).
•Kim, K. H., S. Asaoka, T. Yamamoto, S. Hayakawa, K. Takeda, M. Katayama, T. Onoue: Mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide removal with steel making slag. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 10169-10174 (2012.10).
•中原真哉・平岡喜代典・山本民次・上嶋英機:石炭灰造粒物の覆砂による底質改善.(Improvement of coastal marine sediments by capping with granulated coal ash). 水環境学会誌,35, 159-166 (2012.10).
•宮田康人・薮田和哉・林 明夫・山本民次:広島湾因島に造成した製鋼スラグ潜堤材の生物着生特性の長期評価.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),68(2), I564-I569 (2012.11).
•Yamamoto, T., S. Kondo, K. H. Kim, S. Asaoka, H. Yamamoto, M. Tokuoka and T. Hibino: Remediation of muddy tidal flat sediments using hot air-dried crushed oyster shells. Mar. Poll. Bull., 64, 2428-2434 (2012.11).
•Yamamoto, T., K. Harada, K. H. Kim, S. Asaoka and I. Yoshioka: Suppression of phosphate release from coastal sediments using granulated coal ash. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 116, 41-49 (2013.2).
•石井瑞希・山本民次・中原敬之・竹田一彦・浅岡 聡:付着微細藻の増殖に対する炭酸化製鋼スラグの影響.(Effect of carbonated steelmaking slag on the growth of benthic microalgae) 鉄と鋼,99, 86-92 (2013.3).
•山本民次:里海づくりにおける科学的知見の重要性.日本水産学会誌,79, 1041-1042 (2013).
•Akiyama, Y. B., H. Yano, T. Katayama, K. Koba, M. Nagao, T. Okuda, S. Nakai, T. Tanimoto, T. Yamamoto, W. Nishijima: Impact of steel slag on benthic community under semi-artificial environment. Proceedings of ISWA World Congress Vienna 2013, pp. 875-884 (2013.10).
•Kittiwanich, J., T. Yamamoto, O. Kawaguchi and I. Madinabeitia: Responses of the Hiroshima Bay ecosystem to inputs. Book of Extended Abstracts, Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges. The 10th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS), pp. 53-54 (2013).
•Kim, K.H., T. Hibino, T. Yamamoto, Lee, I.C., S. Hayakawa and K. Nakamoto: Remediation of coastal sediments using granulated coal ash. Book of Extended Abstracts, Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges. The 10th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS), pp. 87-88 (2013).
•宮田康人・林 明夫・桑山道弘・山本民次・卜部憲登:製鋼スラグによる福山内港底泥中硫化水素の低減試験(Reduction test of hydrogen sulfide in the silty sediment of the Fukuyama Inner Harbor using steelmaking slag).鉄と鋼,100, 421-428 (2014.2).
•Okada, K. T. Yamamoto, K. H. Kim, S. Asaoka, S. Hayakawa, K. Takeda, T. Watanabe, A. Hayashi and Y. Miyata: Removal of hydrogen sulfide with steelmaking slag by concurrent reactions of sulfide mineralization and oxidation. Ecol. Eng., 63, 122-126 (2014.2).
•Kim, K. H., K. Okada, T. Yamamoto and S. Hayakawa: Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide removal from sediments of aquatic environments by granulated coal ash. The 18th Hiroshima International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, p. 92-93 (2014.3).
•Kim, K. H., T. Hibino, T. Yamamoto, S. Hayakawa, Y. Mito, K. Nakamoto and I. C. Lee: Field experiments on remediation of coastal sediments using granulated coal ash. Mar. Poll. Bull., 83, 132-137 (2014.4).
•山本民次:瀬戸内海西部海域における貧栄養化(Oligotrophication in the western Seto Inland Sea).沿岸海洋研究,52, 49-58 (2014.8).
•宮田康人・林 明夫・桑山道弘・山本民次・卜部憲登:製鋼スラグによる底泥中硫化水素抑制の実海域試験(A field experiment of sulfide reduction in silty sediment using steelmaking slag).鉄と鋼,100, 1426-1432 (2014.10).
•山本民次・高橋祥平・清田忠志・河尻義孝・竹田一彦:沿岸海洋生態系再生のための鉄溶出施肥材の開発(Development of Iron Supplying Fertilizer for Restoration of Coastal Marine Ecosystems).水産工学,51, 105-115(2014.11).
•Kittiwanich, J., T. Yamamoto, O. Kawaguchi and I. Madinabeitia: Assessing responses of the Hiroshima Bay ecosystem to increasing or decreasing phosphorus and nitrogen inputs. Mar. Poll. Bull. (2014).
•2008年度 日本沿岸域学会賞(出版・文化賞)「閉鎖性海域の環境再生」(恒星社厚生閣).
•2009年度 日本沿岸域学会賞(出版・文化賞)「川と海-流域圏の科学」(築地書館).
•2010年度 日本沿岸域学会賞(出版・文化賞)「里海としての沿岸域の新たな利用」(恒星社厚生閣).
•2010年度 水産海洋学会賞(宇田賞)「閉鎖性海域における物質循環と環境管理に関する研究」(2010.3.30).
•2012年度 Marquis Who’s Who人物名鑑掲載.
