Professor Wang's Appointment to the IWCA Board at Large

We at the Writing Center are very proud to announce our very own Professor Tingjia Wang’s election to the International Writing Centers Association’s Board at Large! 


The International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) is an association based in the United States, which aims to help Writing Centers around the world develop the skills of their directors, tutors, and staff through publications, and various events. From their foundation in 1983, until the present, the IWCA has been actively empowering the growth of Writing Centers by offering them a platform to discuss and share ideas about how to create effective programs. 


Professor Tingjia Wang is now the sole representative from a University in Asia! She will be volunteering to help steer the IWCA and make important decisions for the future of the organization. She hopes to help make the Hiroshima University Writing Center a contact spot for other aspiring Writing Centers throughout the world, promoting the creation of writing centers across Asia through parallel-events and promoting conferences held by the IWCA. 


This is wonderful news not only for Professor Wang, but Hiroshima University’s Writing Center as a whole. We hope that this occasion marks the start of even more growth for the Writing Center and we congratulate Professor Wang for her amazing accomplishment! 
