4.奨学金・授業料について Scholarship / Tuition Fee

1.奨学金について  Scholarship

 Hiroshima University offers scholarships and student loans after screening for students who have achieved outstanding academic records and are in good health but have difficulty studying at university for financial reasons. We offer various scholarships, including Japan Student Services Organization scholarships, private and municipal scholarships, and Hiroshima University’s own scholarships through the Student Services Group of the Education Office.
 Information on scholarships available at Hiroshima University will be provided on MY MOMIJI. Since notifications concerning scholarships will also be posted on MY MOMIJI, scholarship applicants and recipients are advised to check regularly.


MOMIJI URL: https://momiji.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/momiji-top/en/index.shtml
→ “Campus Life Information” → “Economical Support” → “Scholarship”
Reference: Website of the Japan Student Services Organization
(JASSO:Japan Student Services Organization):https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/index.html



1-1 日本学生支援機構奨学金「特に優れた業績による返還免除」の申請について Application for JASSO Scholarship "Exemption from Return for Particularly Outstanding Achievement”

 This is a system whereby students who have received a Type 1 Scholarship at the graduate school after 2004 and who are recognized by the JASSO as having made particularly outstanding achievements during their enrollment are exempted from repayment of all or part of the scholarship at the end of the loan period.



 医系科学研究科の学生につきましては,教育室学生生活支援グループ奨学金担当から指示があったものとは別に「(様式)特に優れた業績による返還免除申請書(研究業績一覧)」を霞地区運営支援部学生支援グループ(大学院担当)にご提出いただく必要がありますので,ご注意ください。(※以下 Excelファイル参照)
 Please note that students of the Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences are required to submit an "Application for Exemption from Refund Due to Outstanding Achievement (List of Research Achievements)" to the Student Support Office (in charge of graduate schools) in addition to the one instructed by the Scholarship Section, Student Life Support Group, Education Office. (*See Excel file below)








〒739-8514 東広島市鏡山1−7-1

電 話:(082)424−6167





〒734-8553 広島市南区霞1-2-3

電 話:(082)257−5051



2.授業料、授業料免除  Tuition Fee / Tuition Exemption

(1) 授業料の納付 Payment of Tuition Fees
 Students are required to pay tuition fees for the spring and fall semesters through bank transfer by the end of April and the end of October respectively using a payment slip sent to the person responsible for tuition payment indicated on the Student Information Registration Sheet.

(2) 授業料の免除等 Tuition Exemption, etc.
① 授業料の減免は、通則第48条及び授業料等免除及び猶予規則第5条により学業優秀であり、かつ経済的理由により納付が困難と認められる者を対象に選考のうえ、全額又は半額が免除されます。
 As stipulated in Article 48 of the Hiroshima University General Provisions and Article 5 of the Hiroshima University Regulations on Tuition Exemption and Postponement, complete or partial exemption from tuition fees is granted after screening to students who have achieved outstanding academic records but have difficulty paying tuition fees for financial reasons.
② 授業料の月割分納は、通則第48条及び授業料等免除及び猶予規則第8条により、特別の事情で一括納入が困難と認められる者に対し審査のうえ、許可されます。
 Payment in monthly installments may be approved for students recognized as having difficulty paying tuition fees as a lump sum due to exceptional circumstances after screening as stipulated in Article 48 of the Hiroshima University General Provisions and Article 8 of the Hiroshima University Regulations on Tuition Exemption and Postponement.
③ 授業料の免除又は月割分納の許可を受けようとする者は、所定の期限までに願書(所定の用紙)を教育・国際室学生生活支援グループへ提出してください。提出期限等については掲示で通知します。
 Students who want to be exempted from tuition fees or want to pay them in monthly installments are required to submit the prescribed application form to the Student Services Group of the Education and International Offices by the designated deadline, which will be posted on the bulletin board.
④ 授業料の減免又は月割分納を願い出た者は、許可決定まで授業料の納付を猶予されます。(いったん納入された授業料は返還されないので注意してください。
 Payment of tuition fees for students who have applied for a reduction in or exemption from tuition fees or for payment in monthly installments will be postponed until their application is approved. (Please note that tuition fees that have already been paid cannot be returned.)

MOMIJI URL: https://momiji.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/momiji-top/en/index.shtml
→ “Campus Life Information” → “Economical Support”
→ “Enrollment Fee Waivers / Extension of Payment Deadline”

広島大学 教育室 学生生活支援グループ 
〒739-8514 東広島市鏡山1-7-1

Student Services Group, Education Office, Hiroshima University
1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 739-8514, JAPAN
Tel: +81-82-424-6167/6169 (Scholarship)
      +81-82-424-6168 (Enrollment Fee Waivers / Tuition Exemption)


2-1 広島大学エクセレントスチューデントスカラシップ (成績優秀学生奨学制度)           Hiroshima University Excellent Student Scholarship

 This is Hiroshima University's own scholarship program that actively supports students who are recognized as outstanding in terms of academic achievement and academic activities. The purpose of this program is to improve students' motivation to study and to produce excellent human resources.

【奨学内容/Scholarship details, etc.】
 Full tuition waiver for the second semester of the year of application, certificate of commendation
  and commemorative gift

【対象学生/Eligible Students】

  Graduate students. 
However, those who are on leave of absence and those who have been enrolled for longer than the standard term of study from the time of admission (including those who have extended the time of completion due to leave of absence or use of the long-term enrollment system) are excluded.
 In the Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Master’s Course)Program of Medicinal Sciences , second-year students who have taken the General Selection are eligible.

【提出書類/Required Documents】
 Application of Excellent Student Scholarship (List of Research Achievement)
 ※Attachment required

 Please read the ”Note on description” on the "Application for Excellent Student Scholarship
  (List of Research Achievements)" carefully before submitting the form.

【申請条件/Application Requirements

 Division of Biomedical Sciences and Division of Integrated Health Sciences Doctoral Course must
 have at least one first authored journal article,book,review,or case report published in SCI or PubMed.

【申請期間/Application Period

 The Student Support Group will notify you on the "Momiji" bulletin board around the end
   of October.

【提出・問い合わせ先/Submission and Inquiries】
広島大学霞地区運営支援部 学生支援グループ(大学院担当)
 Student Support Group(Graduate Students) 
(AT) with half-width @ to send the form.)

