(2020.4.3) Notice regarding the use of the cafeteria and other services

 Hiroshima University, Vice President (Student Support)

A new academic year has begun amid the novel coronavirus outbreak in Japan and HU's efforts to prevent the spread of infection. Based on the policies taken by the university, HU's cafeteria and other welfare facilities will operate under the following conditions. We kindly ask for your cooperation and understanding.

Please note that the following measures will remain valid until further notice and may be subject to further reviews and extended as needed by considering the extent of infection in Japan.

Request for HU students, faculty, and administrative members

Please cooperate as follows:

  1. When using the cafeteria, please try to avoid peak hours (particularly during lunch break) and instead go before or after these hours.
  2. Bring your lunch box to alleviate congestion during lunch break hours.
  3. Wash your hands or use the hand sanitizer located at the entrance of the cafeteria. Please note that the use of hand dryers after washing your hands is strictly prohibited.
  4. Please make sure to keep your distance while waiting in line (Min. 1 meter)
  5. Please refrain from having conversations or interacting with others in the cafeteria hall and leave the room immediately after eating.
  6. Bring your chopsticks or utensils to use in the cafeteria.
  7. As a general rule, you should take your garbage with you. When taking the garbage, make sure to properly separate it and dispose of it.

HU’s cafeteria is operated by Hiroshima University CO-OP under the following conditions:

  1. The number of seats will be limited to avoid users sitting facing each other.   
    ※Entrance restrictions will be enforced by the cafeteria staff
  2. The cafeteria will be constantly ventilated by opening the windows.
  3. The cafeteria will have disposable chopsticks and spoons.

For the time being, the following measures will be implemented as the number of seats will be limited to avoid close contact with others

  1. Active promotion of the cafeteria takeout service
  2. A larger supply of lunch boxes at the CO-OP shops
  3. More menu options for the “Meal Card”

※Please consider the following when using the CO-OP shops and temporary stores:
In principle, use your meal card or electronic money (MYple) when paying.
The temporary stores will not accept cash.
Make sure your student ID is charged in advance.

Bento box (lunch box) sales and dining area

  1. Bento box (lunch box) sales and dining area
    Space outside the Nigiwai Pavilion (under the small roof)
    Space in front of the School of Engineering
    The lobby on the first floor of the University Hall
  2. Eating and drinking in the lecture rooms will be permitted under special conditions.
    ※Please make sure that there is enough space between each seat, avoid coming into close contact with others and ventilate the room before the lecture starts.
  3. CO-OP lunch boxes must be disposed of in the recycling containers installed in each School/Graduate School.
  4. Partially opening of facilities (University Hall: free space)

※For more information regarding the provision of meals at the CO-OP cafeteria and shop, please refer to the Hiroshima University CO-OP's website.


Hiroshima University
Department of Educational Affairs, Student Services Group

TEL: 082-424-6145
E-mail: gakusei-group*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)
