Brain Function Imaging

Prof. Ayumu Matani

【Research Keyword】
Brain Function Imaging, Cognitive NeuroEngineering, EEG, Electric Intervention, Bio-signal Processing, Earth-strength Magnetic Stimulation

【Recent highlights】
Under an international collaboration with California Institute of Technology supported by Human Frontier Science Program, it was evidenced with EEG that humans have magnetoreception to the geomagnetic field like migratory birds.  This study was featured in many media both in Japan and overseas as a discovery of a sixth sense.

Science News(2016.6.23) 

Profiles of Faculty and Research Scholars

Students can learn about brain function imaging methodologies based on system science (instrumentation, signal processing, control, electric and electronic circuits, etc.) and cognitive neuroengineering.

We study modulation of target brain functions by attaching electronic circuits on the scalp and cooperating them with the brain in realtime (called transcranial Extracellular Impedance Control: tEIC).

EEG recording in a cognitive science experiment

Experiment for human magnetoreception

transcranial Extracellular Impedance Control
