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  • 【Award】Mr. Muraoka, a graduate from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, received the best paper and oral presentation award at the 47th Rock Mechanics Symposium.

【Award】Mr. Muraoka, a graduate from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, received the best paper and oral presentation award at the 47th Rock Mechanics Symposium.

Mr. Ryu Muraoka (a H31 graduate from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Assist. Prof. Ryota Hashimoto (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University) received the best paper and oral presentation award at the 47th Rock Mechanics Symposium.
The award recognized their excellent paper and oral presentation entitled “Contact formulation of discontinuous deformation analysis for improving the rocking motion analysis system”. Assist. Prof. Hashimoto has been awarded for three consecutive years.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering), Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University.
Assist. Prof. Ryota Hashimoto
