About Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program

About Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program

The progress of technology in the 20th century has been a major driving force behind the realization of today’s affluent lifestyle. On the other hand, in line with increasing economic discrepancy, it has also brought about serious environmental aggravation and social unrest. Moreover, all systems surrounding us have become larger and more complex. Therefore, the possibility of large-scale uncontrollable confusion, caused by even a very small accident, cannot be ignored. Therefore, in order to construct a better society, it is required to solve the many fundamental problems caused by large-scale complex systems, and to build ideal and gentle systems for the people. We establish the theory and methods for analyzing complex systems that comprise people as one component. To achieve this, it is necessary to unify existing research areas, and to devise new plans to construct better systems. Currently we encounter a lot of problems caused by complicated, large-scale systems. System cybernetics is a research area which solves problems such as those mentioned above by mathematical and information scientific approaches and investigates many innovative problems through system engineering methods. Our approach to such problems is based on the study of electricity, electrons, systems, information, and mathematics. This will help propel us toward an ideal society for human beings in the 21st century.

In our department, we provide two courses. One course is the Fundamentals of Systems Engineering. In this course, the students study the basic theory of system cybernetics. The other course is Applied Cybernetics. The purpose here is to construct a new theory to analyze, control and design systems generated by human beings and machines. In this way we establish Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program, which is a new field of investigation in engineering.

Here are some of the main lectures given in our department: fundamental theory of a system by applied and stochastic mathematical approaches, system optimization, social informatics, and so on.

We also provide lectures on application theories which currently handle various real systems in our society through appropriate basic theory and methodology. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Department of Information Engineering, we nurture the students who have a wider range of basic knowledge, technical one of the latest technology and its application, and have learned the skills to analyze, plan, control and operate to apply for various real systems from the viewpoint of system cybernetics. In the master’s course, students must take both “core lectures,” which consist of applied and stochastic mathematical approaches, system optimization, social informatics, and the like; and “special lectures,” which consist of a wide range of topics from the field of Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program.
