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  • International Dental Course is introduced in the website of Hong Bang International University, Vietnam.

International Dental Course is introduced in the website of Hong Bang International University, Vietnam.

Hiroshima University School of Dentistry started the International Dentistry Course (IDC) in 2011, welcoming special auditing students from Asian dental schools that have academic exchange agreements with us. Students belonging IDC will receive specialized education for three years and six months together with Japanese students of School of Dentistry from the first semester of their second year. We signed an agreement with the School of Dentistry at Hong Bang International University in 2017, and have been accepting international students into this course since AY2018. Mr. CHAU VAN NGOC TUAN, who is currently enrolled in the 4th year, explains about our program in the video.

Please click the link below to watch the video.

Website of Hong Bang International University

<English translation of the video>

Japan is well-known for a multi-cultural country and desirable place for foreign students to study abroad. In Hiroshima university, particularly, there are many chances and scholarships are given to excellent students from all around the world. And “International Dental Course (IDC)” is one of them. Briefly, IDC is a course established for exchanging students between School of Dentistry, Hiroshima University and Universities in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Let’s explore about this course through the voices of the IDC students from Hong Bang International University, Vietnam.

Q. What are your impressions about this course?

Firstly, the whole course is taught in both Japanese and English. After every lecture, the students can learn not only the knowledge but also academic terminology in English. Thanks to that, reading research papers or English books is no longer a nightmare. Moreover, experience in the hospital is important for the dental students. Hiroshima University acknowledge that. So, from the second grade, the students can participate in preclinical classes where the students can observe each department related to dentistry in the university hospital. Lastly, School of Dentistry, Hiroshima University is well-known for exchanging international students. With many course options such as 10 days, 6 months or 4 years, excellent students worldwide can choose Hiroshima University as their next institution. In here, I had met students from all around the world like Korea, America, Denmark, India, Burkina Faso and so on. Having a chance to meet them under one roof and know more about their culture would be impossible without the connection by Hiroshima University.

Q. What do you think about the classes or study time?

A. When studying in Hiroshima University, the students do not need to worry about the curriculum. All the credits had been carefully adjusted based on the social need as a dentist. Therefore, international students in general, when they return to their home universities, most of the credits will be accepted. Besides that, all the professors or lecturers in our school are passionate and willing to help the students. In other words, all the student’s questions or opinions are heard and replied in a short period of time.

Q. At the end of the day, what do you think about Hiroshima University so far?

Plenty wonderful things are waiting for you. I hope I can see you soon. Goodbye. 


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