【Application Deadline: October 5, 2022】2nd Call for Applications for the Micron Awards FY2022

*The Japanese version is the authoritative version, and this English translation is intended for reference purposes only. Should any discrepancies or doubt arise between the two versions, the Japanese version will prevail.

The 2nd call for applications for the Micron Awards FY2022 has begun.
For details, please download and refer to the following application guideline.

【Application Documents】


While we have seen an increase in participation of females in the workforce, the number of successful female researchers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields remains low as of today. Therefore, the Women’s Research Activities Committee is offering a Fellowship to female researchers who are highly motivated to be successful in the science and technology fields, in order to encourage their aspirations and hopes for their future. By utilizing the funds donated from the Micron Technology Foundation Inc., this Fellowship will be given to female graduate students from the science and technology fields at Hiroshima University.

Application Category, Expected Number of Awardees and Fellowship Funds Amount

Application Category M1

Master’s Course (1st Year)
Expected Number of Awardees Approximately 2
Fellowship Funds Amount

(per Awardee)

Eligible Research Fields

The eligible research fields are restricted to the “Basic Sections” listed in the “Review Section Table”, within the Appended Table.

Application Eligibility

Applicants must satisfy both (1) and (2) of the following criteria.

(1) Application Category M1
Is a female student who is enrolled in a Master’s course at Hiroshima University as of April 2022, and is considering continuing onto a Doctoral course at Hiroshima University after the completion of their Master’s course in FY2024.

(2) Does NOT fall under any of the following (a) to (e), and is currently residing in Japan at the time of application.
(a) Is employed/working at an organization at the time of application and expect to receive salary, fees, rewards or any other income that exceeds JPY2.4 million, for the period from January 2022 to December 2022. (Receiving a salary or working part-time in a job such as a TA or RA does not preclude the eligibility requirements.)
(b) Is an international student who is sponsored by a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/international/admissions/mext) at the time of application.
(c) Is an international student who is financially supported through scholarships/grants, etc., from her home country at the time of application.
(d) Is receiving/has received or is applying/has applied for a scholarship/s from other organizations, etc., which prohibits the recipient to receive this and/or other scholarships/grants/fellowships etc., from any other parties, during the scholarship period.
(e) Is a selected awardee from the 1st Call for Applications of the Micron Awards FY2022.

Application Method

Please fill in the necessary information for both of the below WORD files within (1) and (2), save both of them as a PDF and submit them within Microsoft Forms, as specified below within (3). (Please fill in the documents either in Japanese or English.)

Application Deadline

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 11:59 a.m.

Selection Method and Results

(1) Selection Method: Selected by the Women’s Research Activities Committee
(2) Announcement of Selection Results: The results are planned to be announced to all applicants in mid-November, 2022.

Awarding of Fellowship

(1) Successful applicants will be awarded the Fellowship at the Award Ceremony/Symposium, which is currently planned to be held online in early December.
(2) The Fellowship Funds are expected to be fully transferred to the awardee’s bank account in December 2022. (Please note that the awardee’s bank account must have been opened within Japan, i.e. opened at the headquarters or branch of the bank, which is located within Japan. The account holder must be the awardee herself.)

Other Points to Note

(1) As described in Section 5(2), you are required to submit Application Form B using JSPS’s DC application template for the purposes of our screening process.
Please refer to the following site to find more details about the JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists.
(2) The Fellowship Funds are taxable as a miscellaneous income, and the awardees are required to file an income tax return by themselves. Moreover, if they are a tax dependent of their supporter (parents, etc.), it will be possible that they will no longer be able to be a dependent of their supporter due to the Fellowship Funds. Awardees should tell their supporter (parents, etc.) that the Fellowship Funds are a miscellaneous income under the Japanese tax law, and inquire with the employer of their supporter (parents, etc.) regarding the details of their health insurance and their dependent status.


Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration

Email: ura-women*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp

(Please replace * with @.)
