11th International Summer School

The 11th International Summer School in Biosphere Science was held from September 26 until October 2, 2018, inviting a total of 22 students or staffs from 8 partner universities in 7 countries, such as Noakhali Science and Technology University (Bangladesh), Chonnam National University (Republic of Korea), Kasetsart University (Thailand), Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry (Viet Nam), University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), Visayas State University (Philippines), University of the Philippines Diliman (Philippines) and Airlangga University (Indonesia).

Much different from the previous styles, the summer school of this time was modified to conduct in early autumn, avoiding terrible hot summer, and to invite not only students but their academic supervisors that would make this opportunity to implement cooperation research. Also, at the end of the summer school, “International Symposium on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” was organized.

On the first day, September 26, a welcome ceremony was conducted after the orientation. In the afternoon, the information session was organized to provide admission information. The participants also visited some laboratories of the Graduate School of Biosphere Science (GSBS).

Welcome ceremony

Campus tour

Site visit to the experimental field


Information session

Laboratory visit

In order to deepen the understanding of Japanese original culture and dignity, a traditional opera “Noh” was performed.

At a welcome party after Noh experience, invited guests enjoyed communication with the students and staffs of the GSBS in a relaxing atmosphere created from the music by Dr. Hajime Tanida.

Welcome party

They also tried “Yukata

For the following two days, on September 27 and 28, the invited guests belonged to each laboratory, to experience and discuss specific scientific contents.

On September 29, a study tour for leaning Hiroshima’s history was conducted. They visited the Peace Memorial Park, A-bomb Dome, and Miyajima Island to feel how Hiroshima achieves to be a symbolic city of peace, an ultimate goal of SDGs also.

Study tour to Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima city and Miyajima

On October 1, the guests visited two food-industry relating companies, Satake Co. Ltd, and Hattendo Co, Ltd. Through this visits, they were leaning how food safety and food quality can be maintained.


Factory tour of Hattendo

At last, on October 2, with a total of 109 participants, the international symposium was held. The presenters consisted of the guest students and staffs, and also seven GSBS students, delivered their research outcomes and discussed how SDGs could be achieved through their researches.

After the symposium, the final program, a farewell party was implemented at a university cafeteria. The guests received a certification directly from the Dean, Dr. Yoshihiro Sambongi, and enjoyed the finale of the International Summer School.

< Comments by the summer school participants >

  • It was an amazing experience for me. I have learnt a lot through laboratory visits as well as through international symposium about ongoing researches and current trends in the agriculture in Asian countries. The visits to Miyajima Island and Hiroshima peace memorial park were stay in my memory forever. Also Stake Corporation and Hottendo company visits were so productive for me. I have got many new friends (Japanese and other participated countries) during the summer school program. This summer school program encouraged me to study in japan one day.
  • It was my first time in abroad and I am so glad it was Hiroshima University/Japan. This summer school program was full of joy, new experiences as well as knowledge. When it comes to the academic sessions, we learnt many important things about research works, novel technologies, university program and collaborative projects. I found many friends and familiarized with different cultures. It was perfectly organized and very much productive summer school program. I wish to do my further studies in Japan in the near future.
  • I have learnt a great deal for application and enjoyed sharing my understanding with others. It allows me to engage in scientific discussion and learn more about the research being conducted. The Summer School was very systematic, organized, insightful, and inspiration.  I have learned a lot that I will take home with me and ingest, teach and use. Thank you very much for this opportunity.
  • It is true that learning is not bound in the four walls of the classroom. Given the limited time for the International Summer School Program, I really still learned a lot – not only on the academic and technical side such as researches and scientific studies but also about the Japanese culture, its food and people, as well as the culture of other Asian countries.
  • I hope that there will be more summer school to come so that other students from different countries can learn like what we did. I thank Hiroshima University for showing us possible areas for learning as well as the rich culture of Japan.
  • I could initiate discussions with academics of the Hiroshima University and selected participants from other countries. All the events were well organized and the care of the organizers on participants was amazingly good. I wish the event to be continued in the future.

