The IDEC Institute
International Peace and Co-existence Program
Assoc.Prof. Dahlia Simangan (simangan[at]
*Please replace "[at]" with "@" when sending emails
Topic: "Global Norms in Motion: UNSCRs 1325 & 2250 in Mindanao's Conflict Zones"
Guest Speaker: Dr Eliseo F. Huesca, Jr. (Davao del Norte State College, Philippines)
Date and Time: Wednesday, 24th May, 2023 / 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue: IDEC Large Conference Room
Language: English
[Registration] Scan QR code on the flyer or visit
Researches on global politics and international development offer insightful analyses on how transnational norms shape and reconfigure domestic institutions, policies, practices, and collective belief systems. Within this body of literature, however, the situated dynamics of the global-local encounter in norm-receiving communities are considerably overlooked. By building on the 'local turn' of norm translation studies, this talk interrogates how globally-circulating norms have reconstructed, or otherwise, the normative orders in transitioning Muslim Mindanao. Utilizing the case of UN Resolutions 1325 (Women, Peace, and Security) and 2250 (Youth, Peace, and Security), this talk illuminates the transformative influences of UN's normative logics in peace-security-development nexus in fragile and transitional environments; the differentiated responses on the global-local interfaces; and political agencies of local stakeholders
The IDEC Institute
International Peace and Co-existence Program
Assoc.Prof. Dahlia Simangan (simangan[at]
*Please replace "[at]" with "@" when sending emails
This cross-disciplinary program aims to consolidate students’ basic knowledge and to enhance their critical thinking skills in the academic disciplines of Peace Studies, Cultural Anthropology, International Relations, Law, Ethics, and Area Studies under the common key concept of “Peace and Co-existence.”
Students can choose a subject area and a specific topic to conduct independent research, with guidance from the academic staff who specialize in a variety of research fields, including nuclear damage, armed conflict, and the interrelations between development and culture. Other research interests include social inequalities stemming from issues of poverty, gender, ethnicity and religion as well as war and ethics, and security and nuclear weapons.
Date : 2023/05/11
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