Research Ethics Review Board

Research ethics review

The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences conducts research ethics reviews in accordance with its bylaws and guidelines in order to promote honest and responsible research activities involving human subjects, including questionnaire surveys, interview surveys, school education research, and psychological experiments. The Research Ethics Review Board reviews if

  • A proposed research has social and academic significance
  • Any possible physical or mental disadvantage to the research subjects are minimized
  • Research subjects will be explained about research content and risks before providing their voluntary informed consent
  • Research data and personal information of research subjects will be appropriately managed 
  • Potential conflict of interests that may affect the fairness of the research are explained 

The Ethics Review Board has established the four academic discipline working groups (WGs) to review researches in diverse fields. Interdisciplinary research or large-scale research that does not fit within the specific WG will be reviewed by the Ethics Review Board, which is attended by the chairpersons of all four WGs.

  • Education and Sport Science WG
  • Psychology WG
  • Law, Politics, Economics and Sociology WG
  • Humanities WG

Research that is subject to the Japanese laws and governmental guidelines, such as medical research and human genome research, will be reviewed by the Hiroshima University Ethics Review Committee ( The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences conducts ethical review of research involving human subjects, which is not subject to the respective laws and guidelines, with reference to the contents of the Declaration of Helsinki and the respective guidelines.

Links to bylaws and guidelines

Information for applicants [Hirodai ID required]

Instructions and items on application form are available in here.


For inquiries from outside the university regarding research ethics review, please contact:

*If you are a researcher in the Hiroshima University, and wish to inquire about an application, please contact the support office of the WGs. The email address for the offices are available here.
