[8 August] We will hold the 25th International Peace and Coexistence Seminar, "The Afterlives of Art: Problematising the Anti-War Message"

IPC Seminar

Topic: "The Afterlives of Art: Problematising the Anti-War Message"

Lecturer: Dr Karl Ian Cheng Chua (University of the Philippines/Hitotsubashi University) 

Date and Time: Tuesday, 8 August 2023 / 2:30–4:00 p.m. JST 

Venue: IDEC Large Conference Room 

Language: English 


Japanese soldiers and personnel sent to the Philippines created art through their picture diaries (e-nikki) or illustrating postcards. The initial purpose was to serve as private records or intimate messages to their loved ones, recently, families have chosen to publish their intimate encounters so that their readers can have a glimpse of their family's lives as well as their sufferings during the campaigns.  Not only do these publications give awareness to their local readers, but the horrors of the war inspire anti-war sentiments.  While these are brave and noble gestures, the art presents a one-sided picture, to which the anti-war message is because of the sufferings of nationals and not the suffering inflicted on Filipinos.  Thus, this paper will look at these intimate art pieces to re-view and critique their afterlives.  


Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,

International Peace and Co-existence Program 

Dr John Lee Candelaria 


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International Peace and Co-existence Program

This cross-disciplinary program aims to consolidate students’ basic knowledge and to enhance their critical thinking skills in the academic disciplines of Peace Studies, Cultural Anthropology, International Relations, Law, Ethics, Area Studies, and Memory Studies under the common key concept of “Peace and Co-existence.”

Students can choose a subject area and a specific topic to conduct independent research, with guidance from the academic staff who specialize in a variety of research fields, including nuclear damage, armed conflict, and the interrelations between development and culture. Other research interests include social inequalities stemming from issues of poverty, gender, ethnicity and religion as well as war and ethics, and security and nuclear weapons.
