Professor BABA's Background Paper Featured in UNESCO's Global Education Monitoring Report

The paper by Professor BABA from the International Education Development Program and Mr. Mataji, a JICA International Cooperation Specialist, has been featured as a background paper in UNESCO's Global Education Monitoring Report.

The paper explains how Hiroshima University has led the support for science and mathematics education in Africa, adopting an approach that emphasizes local ownership, which sets it apart from Western donor countries. It also presents case studies on approaches centered on teacher education and school management, explaining the significance of each approach and summarizing future challenges.

○Hiroshima University has played a leading role in supporting science and mathematics education in Africa, a program initiated by JICA in the 1990s. The Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education (CICE) and the Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) have played significant roles in this initiative.

○UNESCO publishes the Global Education Monitoring Report annually as part of its work on SDG Goal 4 ("Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all"). The background papers are academic studies adopted to provide theoretical insights into the issues addressed in the report.

Paper Information


International Education Development Program
Dr. Takuya BABA (takuba[at]

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