HIRAKU-Global Office
Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University
E-mail: hiraku-global*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (replace * with @)
Starter Course
(4th Cohort)
【Date held】 September 11 (Monday), 2023
【Event method】Online (Zoom)
The HIRAKU-Global Program held the Starter Course for the 4th Cohort of HIRAKU-Global Researchers (HGRs) as an online event (via Zoom). This marked the first occasion in which the six HGRs from the 4th Cohort were able to (virtually) meet and interact with each other, and gain more specific knowledge regarding the Program itself.
The day began with the HIRAKU-Global Program Overview, where firstly, Prof. AIDA Misako, Professor (Special Designation) at Hiroshima University and Chair of the HIRAKU-Global Program Management Committee, presented upon “The Aspirations of the HIRAKU-Global Program”, where she explained the key goals and expectations of the Program and the HGRs, and introduced one of the fundamental items of the development program, the IDP (Individual Development Plan).
Thereafter, Prof. Jorge TENDEIRO, Program Manager of the HIRAKU-Global Program, explained “What does the HIRAKU-Global Program offer?”, and introduced the respective representatives from each of the four Member Organizations, who outlined the various support systems that are available for each HGR at their respective institution.
After a short break, the “Presentations from the 4th Cohort of HGRs” were undertaken, where each HGR shared a concise presentation providing details of who they are, their research, vision and overall ambitions for the Program. After the presentations, a lively Question & Answer session was held, which helped to establish the baseline for future interactions between the HGRs.
Following on from the 4th Cohort's presentations, the “Introduction of the HIRAKU-Global Mentors” was conducted. This session provided an opportunity for the five Mentors to introduce themselves and their vast experiences, and allowed them to provide advice to the HGRs on what is required to become world-class researchers based upon their very own experiences.
After another short break, a “Meet and Greet” which allowed the HGRs to meet and interact with each Mentor and the Program Manager in a one-on-one setting was undertaken. This session provided an opportunity for the HGRs to have intimate and upfront conversations with the Mentors and the Program Manager, which will bode well for their future interactions.
Finally, after the HIRAKU-Global Office provided a brief summary of various items to the HGRs (such as the Program's PR initiatives, IT System (HIRAKU-PF), etc.), the Starter Course for the 4th Cohort was summarized and formally concluded by Dr. SUGITATE Toru, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University and HIRAKU-Global Mentor, with his thought-provoking Closing Remarks, which in turn, concluded an eventful day full of insight, information, interaction and smiles all-round.