Assistant Professor Inoue (Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University), from the 3rd Cohort of HGRs, went on a research trip to France from February 27 – March 10, 2023.
Research Exchange Report
Université de Haute Alsace
Purpose of the trip:
To discuss the results of collaborative research and future collaboration about characterization of synthetic clay minerals with Dr. Liva Dzene.
Research results attained during the trip:
I visited Dr. Liva Dzene at laboratory IS2M, Université de Haute Alsace. We are currently working together about the characterization of synthetic clay minerals. Dr. Dzene and her team are expert on clay synthesis at low temperature. The structural characterization of clays can be done by conventional powder X-ray diffraction method. However, in order to understand the detailed structure of the clays, nanoscale characterization techniques such as high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is needed. During my visit, I presented the results of structural characterization using HRTEM of their synthetic clays. We also discussed about the future collaborative research with Dr. Dzene and Prf. Patrick Dutournié. On the last day of my stay at Université de Haute Alsace, I had the privilege to present my work at the seminar. I spent fruitful time in Mulhouse and I believe that it will lead to the development of our collaboration.
Université de Poitiers
Purpose of the trip:
To learn the synthesis of Fe-rich clay minerals using the glove box from Dr. Fabien Baron.
Research results attained during the trip:
During my visit to IC2MP laboratory at Université de Poitiers, I was able to learn the Fe-rich clay synthesis using glove box from Dr. Fabien Baron. He kindly demonstrated his synthetic method and proposed to help me with starting synthesis experiments in Japan. We also decided to seek the possibility to collaborate in the characterization of synthetic septechlorite. I was also able to discuss other researchers at IC2MP in Poitiers.
Université de Lille
Purpose of the trip:
To discuss collaborative research about chlorite with Prf. Franck Bourdelle. The collaborative research to compare the analytical method of Fe oxidation state in chlorite will be discussed.
Research results attained during the trip:
I visited Université de Lille to discuss future collaboration on characterization of chlorite with Prf. Franck Bourdelle. We discussed the differences in behavior of chlorite under scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. We also exchanged ideas on our collaborative research and agreed to discuss further.
In summary
Although my stay at each university was short, I had the privilege to discuss many researchers and to obtain new ideas on my research which would never be possible by online meeting. I strongly believe that this visit to France will lead to continuous collaborative research with my colleagues in France. I am deeply grateful to all my colleagues in France for the kindness. I would like to express my gratitude to the HIRAKU-Global program for enabling this visit.

Seminar at the IS2M,
Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse.

Hydrothermal synthesis facility at Université de Lille.
Sayako INOUE, Assistant Professor,
Geodynamics Research Center,
Ehime University