HIRAKU-Global Office
Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University
E-mail: hiraku-global*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (replace * with @)
Annual Conference FY2023
【Date held】 February 22, 2024
【Event method】 Online (Zoom)

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the HIRAKU-Global Program (the Program) held its Annual Conference for FY2023 as a completely online event (via Zoom). In total, 80 people from all over the country participated in this year's event.
The day began with the Opening Remarks from Dr. SUGETA Atsushi, Executive Vice President at Hiroshima University and Chair of the HIRAKU-Global Operating Council, and was followed by the Overview of the HIRAKU-Global Program, which was presented by Dr. AIDA Misako, Professor (Special Designation) at Hiroshima University.
Thereafter, the eight 2nd Cohort HIRAKU-Global Researchers (HGRs), who were selected by the Program in FY2021 and who are in their 3rd year of development, outlined how they will continue making further strides towards becoming world-class researchers by presenting upon their current research and future plans.
After the presentations by the 2nd Cohort HGRs, Dr. Irina FILONOVA (CEO, the phd whisperer) provided a seminar on "Science Communication". This seminar focused on developing the skills needed to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts to a broad audience for maximum engagement and impact.
Finally, to formally conclude the event, Dr. SUZUKI Eiichiro, Consortium Mentor and Executive Vice President at Kihara Memorial Yokohama Foundation for the Advancement of Life Sciences, summarized an eventful day full of insight, knowledge and discussion with his thought-provoking Closing Remarks.
*Dr. Irina FILONOVA's seminar can be viewed via the below video.