【2024/9/26-9/27】HIRAKU-Global Retreat FY2024 – Report

Dr. Irifune and HGRs at the Retreat

HIRAKU-Global Retreat FY2024

HIRAKU-Global held the event “2024 HIRAKU-Global Retreat” at Ehime University Regional Commons (Hime Terrace) from September 26 to September 27, 2024.

The purpose of this "Retreat" is to promote interaction among HIRAKU-Global Researchers (HGRs) from different institutions and to nurture the seeds of interdisciplinary research. It has been held once a year since 2022. In 2024, the third year of the event, the venue was Ehime University, and from this year onward, HGRs of the host university take the lead in planning and organizing the Retreat.

The first day began with opening remarks by Executive Director/ Vice President Mitsuda of Ehime University (in charge of research, industry-academia collaboration, and environment) and Professor (Special Designation) Aida of Hiroshima University, the representative implementing institution of HIRAKU-Global. 

The program then moved to the “Flash Talk” (in which everyone had one minute to present their own research), followed by a session in which interested participants asked questions of each other.

Next, there was a special lecture by Dr. Tetsuo Irifune, Director of Premier Institute for Advanced Studies (PIAS), Professor of Geodynamics Research Centre, and Distinguished Professor of Ehime University. After the lecture, there was a "Lab Tour" to the "Geodynamics Research Centre" and the "Ehime University Museum."  

The "Geodynamics Research Centre" (established in 2001) is a globally recognized research center that succeeded in synthesizing a new diamond, a Nano-Polycrystalline diamond known as "HIME-DIA," in 2003.  The Ehime University Museum (established in 2009) was established to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the university's founding. Participants visited the museum's four permanent exhibition zones (“Evolution of the Universe and the Earth” zone, which has exhibition explanations centering on “HIME-DIA”, as well as the “History of Ehime University and Ehime,” “Diversity of Life,” and “Human Activities” zones) and the special exhibition “Pilgrimage in Japan and Around the World.”

On the second day, a lively discussion was held during the Discussion & Networking Session: “Understanding Common Knowledge,” providing further opportunities for information exchange and interaction among HIRAKU-Global faculty members.



■Day 1: Thursday, September 26
12:30-13:00: Registration
13:00-13:15: Welcome Session
13:15-14:00: Flash Talk
14:00-14:15: Break
14:15-15:00: Special Lecture 
                     by Dr. Tetsuo Irifune 
                     (Director of Premier Institute for
                     Advanced Studies, Distinguished 
                     Professor of Ehime University)
15:00-18:00: Lab Tours
                 ① Geodynamics Research Centre
                 ② Ehime University Museum
18:00-: Networking Event (optional)



Welcome Session

Special Lecture by Dr. Irifune


Geodynamics Research Center (GRC)


Ehime University Museum


■Day 2: Friday, September 27

09:30-10:00: Doors Open
10:00-11:30: Discussion & Networking: 
     “Understanding Common Knowledge"
11:30: Closing 




Discussion & Networking: 
“Understanding Common Knowledge”


HIRAKU-Global Office
Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University
E-mail: hiraku-global*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp  (Please replace * with @)
Tel: 082-424-7408
