History of Hiroshima University Hospital

1945 Feb. Approval is granted for establishment of Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School (in Minami-machi, city of Hiroshima) and an attached clinic (Kako-machi, Hiroshima)
Apr. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical Hospital brought under Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School as an affiliated hospital.
Aug. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School and its affiliated hospital completely destroyed by atomic bombing.
Dec. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School and its affiliated hospital relocated to the site of the former Japan Marine Corps barracks in Yasuura-cho, Kamo-gun, Hiroshima Prefecture.
1947 Feb. Authority of two municipal hospitals in Kure transferred to Hiroshima Prefecture: Kure City Hospital (Koen-dori, Kure City) and Kure Hospital (Hara, Aga-cho, Kure City) renamed Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School’s Main Hospital and Aga Branch Hospital, respectively.
Nov. Ondo Branch Hospital established in Kegoya-cho, Kure City.
1948 Mar. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School’s Main Hospital moved to the site of Hiro Kyosai Hospital in Hiro-cho, Kure City, and the Koen-dori hospital designated as Niko Branch Hospital.
Apr. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical School upgraded to Hiroshima Prefectural Medical College (old education system), with its affiliated hospital also renamed.
1950 Dec. Niko Branch Hospital closed.
1952 Apr. Hiroshima Prefectural Medical College retitled Hiroshima Medical College under the new education system, with its affiliated hospital also renamed.
1953 Aug. Hiroshima University Faculty of Medicine established; into which Hiroshima Medical College (new education system) is merged in a gradual transfer process.
1956 Apr. Hiroshima Medical College’s affiliated hospital facilities (Main Hospital, Aga Branch Hospital, and Ondo Branch Hospital) transferred to control by the national government to become together a hospital attached to Hiroshima University Faculty of Medicine (University Hospital).
Nov. Ondo Branch Hospital closed.
1957 Apr. A branch hospital of the University Hospital established in Kure City.
Sept. Aga Branch Hospital closed.
Oct. University Hospital (with 460 beds) relocated to Kasumi-cho in Hiroshima City, and Kure Branch Hospital (with 50 beds) to Hiro-machi, Kure City.
1962 Apr. A new hospital wing financed by the U.S. government opened for service.
Apr. Kure Branch Hospital closed to merge with the Main University Hospital.
1965 Apr. Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry established.
1966 Jan. Central Clinical Building opened for service.
May. University Hospital’s new wing (expansion) and a dormitory for nurses opened.
1967 Jun. University Dental Hospital established.
Sept. Department of Dentistry of University Hospital closed; University Dental Hospital opened for service, in conjunction with completion of first-phase construction of the Outpatient Wing.
1968 Mar. 8-story East Wing of the University Hospital opened for service; the existing New Wing renamed the West Wing.
Mar. 20 beds of University Dental Hospital transferred to the East Wing of University Hospital.
1969 Mar. Number of beds at University Dental Hospital increased to 40.
1978 Apr. Outpatient Clinical Building of University Hospital and 1st Central Clinical Building opened for service.
1984 Apr. University Dental Hospital’s ward transferred to Wing “A”.
1990 Apr. MRI/CT Equipment Wing of University Hospital opened for service.
1994 Aug. University Hospital designated as an advanced treatment hospital.
2003 Jan. Inpatient Wing of University Hospital opened for service (10 floors above ground and one underground floor; 700 beds).
Oct. University Hospital and University Dental Hospital merged into Hiroshima University Hospital.
2004 Apr. Hiroshima University incorporated as Hiroshima University, National University Corporation.
2005 Feb. Hiroshima University Hospital accredited by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care.
Apr. Advanced Emergency and Critical Care Center established.
Dec. ISO 9001 (for quality-control system) certification acquired.
2006 Aug. Hiroshima University Hospital designated as a prefectural core hospital for cancer treatment.
Nov. Dental Clinic established on Higashi-Hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima University.
2010 Mar. Obtained authorization of Hospital Function Assessment Ver.6.0 from the Japan Council for Quality Health Care.
2011 Mar. Construction of resident housing “Ryozan-paku” completed.
Mar. Hiroshima University Hospital dispatched an emergency radiation exposure treatment team to assist in the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident following the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Aug. Number of beds increased from 740 to 746.
Sept. North Wing assigned Inpatient Wing functions.
2013 Feb. Designated as a core hospital for the treatment of pediatric cancers.
May. “Doctor Helicopter” service launched under commission from Hiroshima Prefecture.
Sept. New Outpatient Clinical Building opened for service, with outpatient functions in medicine and dentistry combined (5 floors above ground and one floor underground).

Obtained authorization of Hospital Function Assessment (Hospital Type2 3rdG:Ver.1.0) from the Japan Council for Quality Health Care.
Mar. Construction of Hiroshima University Hospital Family House completed.
Nov. Hiroshima University Hospital designated as a central institute of medical care for epilepsy.
2016 Apr. Fukushima Medical Support Center established to support the building of a medical system in Fukushima; in October, physicians sent to Fukushima for reconstruction assistance.
2018 Oct. YHRP museum opened.
2019 Feb. Hiroshima University Hospital designated as an allergic disease medical center hospital.
Apr. Designated as an intractable diseases collaborative core hospital.
Sept. Hiroshima University Hospital designated as a Designated Hospitals for Cancer Genome Medicine (CGM).
2021 Jan. Earned JIH (Japan International Hospitals) accreditation.
Mar. Obtained authorization of Hospital Function Assessment (Hospital Type3 3rdG:Ver.2.0) from the Japan Council for Quality Health Care.
Mar. Dental Clinic closed.
May. Changed the number of beds from 746 to 742.
2022 June Obtrained the accreditation of Japan Medical Service Accreditation for International Patients (JMIP).
