Truth – Impact – Power 2017


The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences – Discussing Germany and Japan

The German Research Foundation (DFG), called into HU's Faculty Club Wednesday last to discuss how the humanities and social sciences can maintain relevance in an increasingly skeptical world.

A very well attended symposium saw Prof. Peter Strohschneider, President of the DFG, and Prof. Julika Griem, Vice President, remind the audience of the importance of these subjects, and how they are under pressure from institutions, and societies craving “groundbreaking answers “And research with“ impact ”– functions such subjects are ill equipped to provide.

Political populism was also singled out as being unkind to reasoned, academic debate.

HU academics suggested that pressure in Japanese universities is even greater due to a severe lack of funding available-and a government focused on success in science and technology.

Some audience members said academia was foolish to allow itself to be pushed around by institutions in their quest for higher rankings, and that it should take a stand against such shortsightedness.

Check out the slide show below to get a better feel of the event!


Originally written by Richard O'Connor

