
The Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine has achieved world-leading research in basic research on radiation effects and medical development based on A-bomb medical care as Japan's largest university-affiliated research institute in the field of radiation effects and medical science. The research promoted by the 21st Century COE Program "Center of Excellence for Radiation Injury Medicine" has opened up a new academic field of radiation injury based on genomic injury science. On the basis of the foundation as an international center obtained through the activities of this center, it also functions as a national “Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science” center for radiation effects and medical science research that brings together researchers from all over the country. Furthermore, the "Phoenix Leader Development Program for Promoting Radiation Disaster Recovery" was adopted as a leading doctoral program and has contributed to the development of human resources to work on radiation disaster medicine. As a center for emergency radiation medical care in Japan, it was selected as a "Medical Support Facility in the International Atomic Energy Agency's Emergency Response Assistance Network" in FY2010 and was designated as a "Support Center for Advanced Radiation Medicine" and "Comprehensive Support Center for Nuclear Disaster Medicine" in FY2015. The center developing its practical activities and also contributing to the development of human resources to work on radiation disaster medical care. In addition, we have been playing a central role in the international activities of RANET of the IAEA and WHO-REMPAN, which are international emergency radiation exposure medical care networks, and have been engaged in activities to return the results of our research to society. We will continue to conduct research, human resource development, and medical care in the field of radiation effects and medical science. We will develop advanced medical treatment and aim to form a center for distinctive research and medical treatment. We will form an international center of excellence in radiation disaster medicine and develop distinctive advanced medical science and highly advanced medical treatment that will appeal to the world. We will promote the practice of highly advanced medical care and the development of radiation disaster medicine and exploratory medicine in cooperation with the Radiation Disaster Medical Support Center, the Medical Center for Translational and Clinical Research, and the Center for Comprehensive Medical Research and Development at Hiroshima University. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Director, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Yukihito Higashi