Related Facilities
The Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center is a common facility for both research and education in the field of synchrotron radiation science. The role of the center is to promote original research, training of young scientists, international exchange and cooperative research with nationwide universities, public organizations and industries.
- Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center (HASC)
The HASC was founded on April 1, 2004 as an Intra-University center for education and researches on observational astronomy using their own 1.5m Kanata Telescope in intimate cooperation with X ray and gamma ray astrosatellites.
Kanata Telescope was placed in the dome of Higashi-Hiroshima Astrophysical Observatory located on a summit of Higashi-Hiroshima-shi, Shimo- Minaga. It is the largest telescope in Japan among those owned by National Universities. Unique and prompt observational researches are expected.
- Radioisotope Center Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development
The Radioisotope Center is a collaborative facility, offering basic and advanced support of education and research in all areas of science related to radioactive materials. The Center is also in charge of radiation safety and the treatment of waste waters generated by other radiation facilities on the campus.
- Cryogenics and Instrumental Analysis Division Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development
This center has two divisions. The Cryogenic division supplies liquid helium and maintains some low-temperature instruments to develop cryogenic technology. The Chemical analysis division offers highsensitivity analytical instruments and chemical analysis service.
- Institute for Nonlinear Sciences and Applied Mathematics
This institute has its mission to promote research in largescalenumerical simulation and understand various nonlinear phenomena in nature as well as to support education for
high-performance computing.
- Institute for Amphibian Biology
We contribute to rearing biologically important strains of frogs and the studies on the biological characteristics of the amphibian focusing genetics, developmental regulation, species speciation, phenotype expression, and environment-induced mutagenesis.