2020年度国際学会発表報告/International Conference Presentation Report 2020



Conference Name
(国際協力研究科 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation)
金子 京平

Environment-Behavior Research Association (EBRA) 2020
陳 明然

Environment-Behavior Research Association (EBRA) 2020
SAMAH GAMAL AHMED ELBEHARY 6th International Conference on Advances in Statistics
NURUL HIDAYATI ROFIAH The 6th IAFOR International Conference on Education
(人間社会科学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
RAHMATIKA DEWI 6th Asia International Conference
(先進理工系科学研究科 Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
清谷 大雅

Environment-Behavior Research Association (EBRA) 2020



Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies (Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology)

 2020101718日に中国西安にあるXi’an University of Architecture and Technologyで開催された”Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies(EBRA2020)”に参加させて頂きました。コロナ禍の影響を受け日本にいる私たちはWebでの対応となりましたが、その中で私は A STUDY ON PREDICTING MODEL OF COMPLEXITY AND OPENESS IN RIVER LANDSCAPE BY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON CG PICTURES FROM GIS DATA”というテーマで口頭発表させて頂きました。今回発表させて頂いた内容は、河川景観評価における心理評価を予測するモデル構築を目指し検討を行ったものの一部です。この心理評価を予測するモデルというのは、主観的評価が大きく影響する心理評価を、その他の都市景観を構成する物質的な評価であり、客観的な評価が可能な物理量との関連性を明らかにすることで、心理評価を予測することを意図したもので、これらの心理評価予測モデルを構築することで、客観的な評価から、ある程度の心理評価の予測が可能となり、今後都市の再生、開発などに人々の心理環境が都市計画プロセスに取り入れられることを期待するものです。その中でも特に心理評価の開放性と複雑性に着目し、GISを活用したCG画像作成のもと、心理評価に影響する物理指標の検討を行ったものを発表させて頂きました。私は今回初めて国際学会に参加させて頂いたのですが、日本の学会ではすることのない、英語での発表や質疑応答、他学生の発表を拝聴することができ、とても貴重な経験となりました。本発表に多大なご支援を賜りました西名先生、姜先生、金田一先生、そして関係者の皆様に深く感謝いたします。また最後になりますが、今回の国際学会発表を可能にしてくださった、国際協力研究科、広島大学基金の関係者の皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。


A Study on the Psychological Evaluation of Tourist Spots in Dalian, China - Comparison of the evaluation results in photo scene evaluation experiment and onsite experiment between Japanese and Chinese students – EBRA in the Xi’an ,CHINA, October 17-18, 2020

   The official name of the conference was EBRA which held at Xi’an ,CHINA, on October 17-18, 2020. The conference organizer was Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, CHINA. The accepted papers that presented a study on the psychological evaluation of tourist spots in Dalian, China- comparison of the evaluation results in photo scene evaluation experiment and onsite experiment between Japanese and Chinese students –. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is that the number of foreign tourists visiting China has been increasing, but Japanese tourists visiting China have been decreasing year by year. It’s necessary to grasp the tourists’ demand from the perspective of Japanese in order to attract Japanese to visit China. The Japanese may have a different understanding of tourist spots compared with the Chinese, because of different cultural backgrounds and values systems. It can be considered that it's important to compare Japanese who have no travel experience to China with Chinese who are familiar to their country’s tourist spots. And in this study, Photo Scene evaluation experiment (PS) and onsite experiment were carried out. My post had introduced the experiments and based on the data obtained from the experiment, analyzed and discussed the evaluation tendency of the experimenter.

   According to the conference, I not only learned new perspectives on my own research, but also learned other people’s research methods and some valuable experiences from it.


Modelling Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Reasoning under uncertainty In Egypt

Under the current situation of Covid-19, it becomes a bit difficult to hold the international conferences as usual; accordingly, most of these conferences are hosted online. One of them, which I joined on October 16th, 2020, is the 6th International Conference on Advances in Statistics. Indeed, at that time and beyond the research issues, I had a good experience of how such virtual meetings are being handled through Zoom. That is, one day before the conference, the moderators provided us- the researchers- a brief overview of how the whole discussion is going to be managed via Zoom. The day after, I presented my research, which was a kind of summary of my Ph.D. On the other hand, I did not get such critical comments from the audiences. That is what I felt; the limited point of the online presentations is that the participants' engagement still has not reached the level of face-to-face meetings. Although such a way of maintaining the conferences might be one of the possibilities under the Covid-19, we have to think of other probabilities; in case this condition lasts more.


The 6th The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Conference on Education (Hawaii)

The 6th IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii (IICEHawaii2021)

January 06-10, 2021 | Held online from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

I attended The IAFOR International Conference on Education Hawaii from 6-10 January 2021. These conferences were held online from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. The IAFOR conference brought together delegates from many different national, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds to Honolulu, Hawaii, to present new research and exchange ideas. IAFOR's education conferences were organized in partnership with some of the world’s most prestigious universities and schools of education.

I presented my research entitled” Construct Validity and Reliability Testing the Concept of Disaster Resilient Education in Inclusive Primary Schools” and got essential comments from reviewers and participants. The first reviewer said that this is a timely study. However, the author/s should also provide the background theoretical constructs and indicators of disaster-resilient education models. The second reviewer said that it would be helpful to include background information of the study and implications drawn from the results. Such information helps the audience to understand the study better. The topic addressed in this study is very interesting. Disaster resilience education has been widely recognized in our global world. It helps not only children but also adults to reduce risk and strengthen resilience. Therefore, examining its mechanism is critical. The study deserves a constructive discussion.

This study aims to test the validity and reliability of variable constructs and indicators of disaster-resilient education models in inclusive primary schools, determine the contribution of aspects and indicators in measuring variables, and confirm the hypothesized model. This study's population were all teachers and principals in inclusive primary schools, with a total sample of 113 people. Samples were taken using a non-probability sampling technique carried out by convenience sampling. Data analysis was performed using the Linear Structural Model. The analysis results show that the aspects of the identification of children with special needs, accessibility, meaningful participation, non-discrimination, strategy and method supporting children with special needs, collaboration, and networking can reflect positive, valid, and significant variables supported by the respective behavioral indicators. The theoretical model of disaster-resilient education variables in inclusive primary schools is fit with empirical data. The most dominant aspect that reflects the disaster-resilient education model in inclusive primary schools is identifying children with special needs, and the weakest aspect is collaboration and networking.



A Conceptual Framework: Gaps between Demand and Supply Sides towards Required English Skills for Indonesian IT Professionals in Industry 4.0 Era-6th ASIA International Conference 2020 (Malaysia)

I joined 6th ASIA International Conference 2020 held in online medium by Connecting Academia Society and Industry Alliance (Connecting ASIA) Malaysia in 18-20 December 2020. The title of my presentation was “A Conceptual Framework: Gaps between Demand and Supply Sides towards Required English Skills for Indonesian IT Professionals in Industry 4.0 Era”. It was about proposing a conceptual framework which is as a navigation for doing the future study in finding the gaps between the English materials taught in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the specific English required practically on the IT professionals’ workplace in Indonesia. This framework initially explains the concept of Industry 4.0 to which the characteristics are such as the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, quantum computing or nanotechnology in industries as well as all fields of human life. Besides, this phenomenon of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia is including an increasing number of digital startup companies as well as empowering SMEs with technologies as stated in the ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’ as the Indonesian roadmap of Industry 4.0. In those conditions, qualified IT professionals who have good technical and also soft skills including English skills are very needed. And my study under this framework focuses only on English skills considering that English is still being international as well as the language used in the digital world. This language is also still used as the language of instructions in computers. Furthermore, programming languages are also in English. Besides, it is also generally known that computer products are mostly from western countries that use English to be employed in the software. However, in this conference I only proposed a conceptual framework for conducting that study. Surprisingly, I was awarded as the best paper award at that time.


A Study on the Psychological Evaluation of Tourist Spots in Hiroshima - Effects by the detailed information about tourist spots on the recognition and evaluation between Japanese and Chinese subjects-

2020101718日に中国西安で行われたEBRAENVIRONMENT-BEHAVIOER RESEACH ASSOCIATION)に参加させていただきました。新型コロナウイルスの関係で、残念ながら現地に赴くことはできませんでしたが、国際学会の雰囲気というものを存分に味わえたと考えております。EBRAとは、人間環境心理についての研究成果を報告する学会です。自分は、表題にもありますように、パンフレットなどの詳細情報を付与することが観光客の観光地に対する満足感などの評価にどのように影響するのかについて、梗概とポスターにて発表しました。具体的には、観光地に関する事前知識量が大きく異なる日本人と中国人を対象として、広島県の観光地に関するパンフレットを有する被験者としていない被験者の観光行動、並びに、観光した後の印象を比較し、付与したパンフレットが被験者にどのような影響をもたらすのかをそれぞれ検討したうえで、今後の観光地発展のための一つの知見になることを目指す研究です。人生初の英語での研究発表であり、いろんなことが初めての体験であったため、西名大作教授をはじめとした指導教員の方々、並びに、連名者の方々には、多大なるご迷惑をおかけしました。国際学会という、日本の学界とはまた違った雰囲気を味わえたことは、今後の研究活動や人生において、大きな経験になったと考えております。これからも国際学会に積極的に参加していければと考えております。
